Shane's blog

I Can Work But Cannot Keep Up With Activities of Daily Living. Will I Be Approved for Disability?

Submitted by Shane on

As many Social Security Disability applicants may know, eligibility for disability benefits is largely based around a person’s ability to work and earn a living. However, a serious disability or health condition can impact more than just your work life. Today’s blog question was sent to us on Facebook and deals with the connection between working and other activities of daily living.

Divorce and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Submitted by Shane on

Many factors affect a person’s disability benefits. This can include a person’s income, financial resources, employment history, and even their marriage. Today’s blog question came to us through our interactive disability forum and deals with divorce and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If you have a question you’d like us to answer, leave it in the comment section below or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter. Today’s question is:

Are Doctor's Statements More Important than Medical Records?

Submitted by Shane on

Application preparation can make or break your application for disability benefits. Without the correct supportive evidence your claim may be delayed or even denied. Unfortunately, most people don’t know where to begin when it comes to preparing to apply for Social Security Disability. This week’s blog question was sent to us on Facebook and touches upon the subject of application preparation and collecting the necessary supportive evidence.


What Should I Wear to my Social Security Disability Appeal Hearing?

Submitted by Shane on

Today we will be sticking with our recent theme-- Social Security Disability appeal hearings. Today's question is: How should I dress for my disability appeal hearing? Although this may not be a claimant’s first concern, it is definitely something that should be considered carefully. In this blog post we will talk about the importance of your appearance at a disability hearing and will provide you with some helpful hints to dress for success.

How Should I Answer the ALJ's Questions at My Hearing?

Submitted by Shane on

Our most recent blog posts have focused on the disability appeal hearing. So far we have covered the following questions: “How should I act at my disability appeal hearing?” and “Should I bring my doctor to my disability appeal hearing?” You can find those posts, here. Today we will answer the following question:

Should I Bring my Doctor to my Social Security Disability Appeal Hearing?

Submitted by Shane on

If your Social Security Disability Claim has advanced to the appeal hearing level, you are likely doing everything in your power to ensure that your claim is successful. Last week we addressed a question that was sent to us regarding how to behave at a disability hearing. This week we will be answering another question to help prepare you to appear in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).

How should I act during my disability appeal hearing?

Submitted by Shane on

The Social Security Disability appeal hearing is an important part of the appeals processes. During the appeal hearing, applicants who have previously been denied benefits appear in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to answer questions about their claim. For many applicants, this can be a nerve-wracking experience.

Hearing Aid Awareness Week

Submitted by Shane on

The week of September 15th through the 21st marked Hearing Aid Awareness Week in the United States. The invention of the hearing aid has helped millions of Americans maintain their quality of life by improving their ability to hear the world around them. Today we will be dedicating this blog post to the hearing aid and the promotion of healthy hearing.

The History of Hearing Aids

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!