I am a 53 yr old female who has been with her partner for over 14yrs. In Feb of 09, my partner was diagnosed with Stage IV Colo/rectal cancer, with metastisis to lungs and lymph nodes and liver. She has been on chemo since diagnosis, and has had several trips to hospital due to immune system problems, etc. I had been working at my job for over 12 years, and then in July of this yr, was laid off. Lost all my benefits, and had to cash out my small 401K to pay some bills off for the both of us, as more are expected in every day due to hospital stays, scans, etc. I cannot afford to hire someone to stay at the house, and these days, I would not feel comfortable with a stranger in my home with all that is going on in the world today. I am asking if there is any way that I myself could be apply for any disability benefits so I can remain full time caretaker for my partner to the end of her life. I myself have some medical problems such as arthritis in my hands, and I have had neck surgery twice back in 1999 for herniated discs. I have a titanium plate in my neck that causes constant pain, but I have lived with it for over 10 yrs and held a steady job for the same. Now I am getting older, and have a lot of stress in my live with the situation I am in with my partner. If anyone has any information on what type of disability I could apply for, please let me know. Thanks.
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