My wife was diagnosed with M.S. 3 years ago. She just applied on the phone with SS a month ago. She just received a denial letter today. There are stacks of records of where she goes to a neurologist monthly, has had multiple MRIs that show lots of lesions. She hurts all over, can hardly get around without a walker. With tons of proof of her condition, how can she get denied? I've heard that everyone is denied the first time, like it's done automatically.
It's not right that she should have to get a lawyer and give away 25% of benefits for a clear-cut, no arguing case.
So while I help her research what to do next, I need to find out actually which type of disability she can apply for. We didn't know there were two types. She just called SS on the phone, made an appointment for a phone application, and answered their questions.
She has been a house-wife for the last 10 years with a few months of being a substitute teacher and the kids school. So she hasn't had any significant benefits paid in, in the last 10 years. So we were told they go off my last 10 years of work history. But they didn't ask about my work history.
We have 3 kids and for quite some time have been well below the 'poverty' level of income. And I have been unemployed for the last few months.
So which type of disability should she be applying for?
And again, from what we read, M.S. is basically an automatic approval. Well certain types of M.S. are, though I can't remember the name of it right now... we did see that description of M.S. on one of her medical records that we have copies of.
So while I appreciate that disability lawyers do and know that they are needed lots of time... I just don't see how my wife should be penalized of her benefits when there's nothing else to prove.
Thank you.
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