My daughter lost her SSI last month, I did not appeal because I feel as though, I still wouldn't have received a fair judgement. I know several men, who brag about getting SSI, but they are still working under the table and living comfortably and not having to work. They don't even report the extra income, and get paid under the table, so it doesn't show up as taxes. If they can work under the table, what is stopping them from working just like me, for their income. Money is taken out of my check everytime, for them to sit on their butts and not do nothing and continue to get free money. How are the really disabled if they can do, everything I do on a daily basis, they can walk, be on Facebook all day, and do nothing, but us hard working people get nothing free and when we do it's taken away from us, by new guidelines. Why are these men not being evaluated and they SSI taken away? My daughter has learning problems, just like them but her problem are supposedly not as bad as theirs, so she doesn't qualify anymore. I see and talk to these men a lot, and I have seen nothing indicating that they were disabled, just playing the system and its sad that Social Security is not continuously evaluating these men, to see if they really should still be receiving this money. Personally, I think they shouldn't, but the system allows them to get away with this fraud.
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