I got a compression fracture in my thoracic 8 vertibria and I can't get a job and I am struggling to take care of my family because I can't lift ten pounds or more and I have a felony from when I was 17 and I'm 24 now I have medical records that show x-rays of my injury. Do I qualify for disability?
Compression fractures L3 L4,compression fractures T6,T8,Ostiopena,Left leg half inch shorter due to a car wreck.Only able to work because i have been taking strong pain meds constant muscle cramps in lower back when working. Can i qualify?
In reply to Compression fractures L3 L4 by Gonzo (not verified)
Hi there,
You may be able to do so! It's a good idea to contact a disability advocate or attorney about this, you can do so by filling out this form:
I am a 50-something female who has worked hard her whole life. And because of that hard work, I have undergone three knee surgeries (Two ACL tears on right knee, and benign cancerous growth in left knee)...and T-11 compression fracture on my back. These injuries range from 1992 to approximately 4 years ago. I work part time and pretty much stay in pain. What would I need to do to qualify for disability benefits? Thanks.
In reply to I am a 50-something female by D. Ro (not verified)
You may be able to qualify for disability benefits, you can take our Free Disability Evaluation here:https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
I shattered both heels 20 years ago and have plates and pins n both feet. 22 months ago I broke my back n 7 places and my neck among other injuries sustained from a car wreck. I'm only 40 and a union boilermaker for last 20 years. I tried to return to work and made it less then a yr and that's only because my best friend was my boss and let me come and go as I needed. I've since quit working and applied for SS. I'm wanting someone's opinion if they think I will qualify. THANKS
In reply to I shattered both heels 20 by David (not verified)
Hi David,
I am so sorry to hear that. You could qualify for Social Security benefits. YOu can take our Free Evaluation to find out:https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
I was in an accident in 2007 and had t12 compression fracture, have been in and out of back pain since but has gotten to point that i cant stay in one position very long without back pain getting unbearable, went back to doc and found out i have fractured my back again, also on depression meds. im over 50 and wondered if i might qualify?
In reply to I was in an accident in 2007 by Fred (not verified)
Hi Fred,
Have you worked since 2007? If not, it'll be challenging for you to qualify.
I have a compression fracture in my back and a bulging disc in my neck I am in pain management and I have done the shots now he is wanting to burn the nerves. I work 2 jobs one I sit down and the other one I am up on my feet I get off work and go home and cry myself to sleep from the pain only to be woke up from the pain of my helps being asleep. can I receive disability for my back.
In reply to I have a compression fracture by Debra Stokes (not verified)
Hi Debra,
A bulging disc could qualify for disability. But due to the fact that you are working, it may be difficult to get approved.
hi i jumped of a bride 30 feet and have left shin bone fracture open left tibial shaft, surgery im nail and primary clousure//left foot fracture dislocation,closed navicular discolatio,surgery talo cun cuneiform fusionwith brone graft. ...right foot fracture open talonvicular /dislocation ,,,washout && k wirer fixation.27th j2018 same foot surgery navicular NoRIF&TNJ stababalisation .
sinal fractufracture l1 , suregery to stabalice fracture /tll- l3percutaneeous fixation . fractured spine no surgey. will i be able to claim pip
In reply to hi i jumped of a bride 30 by melanie (not verified)
Hi Melanie,
If all of that will cause you to be out of work for at least 12 months then you could be able to qualify for SSD benefits.
Bad rollover truck accident. T12--l1 fracture. Cracked hip. Ptsd. Depression. Anxity. Alot of pain. Chronic. Got a denial. ????
In reply to Bad rollover truck accident. by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi There,
I'm sorry, that's tough. There are many different reasons why you could have been denied though. If the SSA still think you are able to work, if you didn't have enough work credits for SSDI or have too high of a household income, you may have been denied.
Compression fracture t7 t8 resulted in complete obliteration and destruction of disc. Focal kyphosis and spinal cord contouring. Possible discitis was the cause. Attenptong to work under strict restrictions. Im attempting to work but if I cant, worried about options
In reply to Compression fracture t7 t8 by Question (not verified)
Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear that, if you think you'll be out out work for at least 12 months, you could qualify for Social Security disability benefits. You can find out more here:https://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
Hi I was in a car accident on Nov. 9, 2018 and I have a lumbar fracture b/c of it I was wondering if I am able 2 get SSI b/c of the lumbar fracture I have also been diagnosed with depression anxiety insomnia PTSD n bipolar
In reply to Hi I was in a car accident on by Katrina Helms (not verified)
Hi Katrina,
You'll need to make sure you meet the SSA's Blue Book listing for one or more of the conditions you listed. I would talk with your doctor to make sure you medically qualify. In addition, for SSI you'll need to make sure are below the income limits (under $3,000 in assets if married or under $2,000 in assets if you are unmarried).
Just got out of the hospital after having to major seizures and a bloodclot in my brain. I already had back issues that SS already denied me for while I was in the hospital for 13 days dealing with the clot and seizures. The did something called a bone scan while at the trauma hospital and found out I also have 13 vertebra that have compression fractures in them.
In reply to Just got out of the hospital by Eric kellogg3 (not verified)
Hi Eric,
If you were denied before because of back issues, you may have a better chance of being approved now that you are experiencing some other conditions. I would consult with your doctor and look over the Blue Book to see if your back issues, blood clots, and seizures meet a listing. Best of luck!
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