I am 52 years old and have been disabled for 8 years due to renal failure. My question is, since I have had a kidney transplant, does my social security benefits end. If so when, because there is always a chance of rejection. If it does end, I do not want to be taken by surprise, will they let you know early enough, or will it be oneof those deals where they just cut you off, then inform you that you are no longer eligible?
In reply to I will have a kidney by Gigi (not verified)
HI Gigi,
SSDI benefits are generally for longer-term disability, however many short term disability coverage plans can require you to apply for disability.
I received my Kidney transplant about 7yrs but had several complications. I work part time now. What I my chances of losing my ssi (supplemtal income).
In reply to I received my Kidney by James W. (not verified)
Hi James,
If you are not exceeding the income limits for SSI benefits, then you may be able to keep on receiving SSI benefits without lsing eligibility.
I had a kidney transplant 11/18/15 its almost a year now and i just got a letter sayin im up for review to determine if i will still get benifits, but im not workin right now will they cancel my benifits.
In reply to I had a kidney transplant 11 by kevin clanton (not verified)
Hi Kevin,
I really cannot say as I am not affiliated with the SSA and I do not have the details of your case, but if you're still having difficulty due to your transplant, they may not cancel your benefits.
I've had two renal transplants, the last one they put me on 100 mg of prednisone and instantly I became steroid induced diabetic. I've struggled to keep my sugar low. My biggest problem is, while I work and work a lot I suffer severe from what I believe is arthritis. When at rest or after a nights sleep my joints cause severe pain to the point it is hard to walk down my stairs. The pain does decrease. I feel as if the longer I continue to work, I am only shortning my life free of pain and worry that it may get to the point I may not be able to walk. It does affect other joints hand shoulders I've had injections in my knees and one in my spine for shoulder issues.
In reply to I've had two renal by Steve (not verified)
Hi Steve,
You may be eligible for disability benefits, but it may be a good idea to contact a disability advocate or attorney. We can have one reach out to you if you fill out the form on the left, or if you go here:
I had a kidney transplant January 2014. I was on dialysis four years prior and received SSDI benefits the entire time. I recently started a part-time job, and I was trying to find the info for how to report this to SSA. In doing this, I somehow came across information stating that after kidney transplant you continue to qualify for SSDI for only a year afterward unless there are complications or still considered to have a disability that prevents working. I have received the letter from Medicare telling me that it will end in February. I was under the impression we receive SSDI and Medicare for 36 months after transplant. I heard this from many people. Now I am starting to worry. Was I supposed to report the transplant to SSA pertaining to my SSDI? Medicare was aware of transplant due to the medical bills for it.
In reply to I had a kidney transplant by Tina (not verified)
Hi Tina,
It may be a good idea to contact the SSA with the information about your transplant, generally it's a good idea to make sure that the SSA has information like this just in case.
In reply to I had a kidney transplant by Tina (not verified)
I am going through the same thing. I was told by my transplant team, social worker at the hospital it would be 36 months and now social security they will end March. I just got out of the Hospital with the infection CMV, which I will have for the rest of my life, and I am scheduled to have an old kidney removed because it is causing complications. What can I do?
In reply to I am going through the same by Lisa Durham (not verified)
Hi Lisa,
It's possible you might meet the Blue Book listing for Kidney Disease, not a kidney transplant. You can pull it up online and discuss the medical listing with your doctor: https://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/6.00-Genitourinar…
I just had a kidney transplant almost a year ago will be on 12-29-15 after battling SLE Lupus and also dialysis for 10 years. I also started suffering from seizures during the last 3 years plus had 3 mini strokes. I am terrified at the thought of social security benefits being taken away without notice. I recently filled out the re determination form back in June. They started to take out part of the medicare part B. I just received another letter stating that they will reimburse me for the 2 months they did take out in June. However I keep hearing different things from others I'm beyond freaked out even high anxiety almost having seizures. I have tons of bills car payment cc student loans etc. I know I don't want to depend on social security all my life and I haven't worked in years. Please Help!!!
In reply to I just had a kidney by Brenda (not verified)
Hi Brenda,
If you are unable to return to work, the SSA may extend your benefits.
I had a kidney transplant 6 years ago. I went back to work but it was increasingly difficult. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, lead poisoning, arthritis in my hands and fibromyalgia. Because of the immunosuppressants I would catch everything my students had since I worked in an elementary school and decided an early retirement would be best. This makes finding employment difficult because I tire easily, have many doctors appointments and would miss work due to illness. I have a small amount of retirement that I receive per month and have insurance but it does not cover enough of my medical bills, should I apply for disability and would I qualify for disability?
In reply to I had a kidney transplant 6 by Dawn (not verified)
Hi Dawn,
I cannot tell for sure if you'd qualify, and those conditions are typically very challenging to win benefits for. I would highly recommend speaking with a disability advocate or attorney who could give you a stronger evaluation of your claim: http://www.disability-benefits-help.org/form/free-disability-evaluation
My husband is receiving SSDI due to ESRD. He has not worked in over 15 years and has been collecting SSDI for the last 9 years as that is when he went on a dialysis machine. If they cut him off his benefits in 1 year as he just had a kidney transplant and he has no earnings because he hasn't work and won't be able to collect unemployment or disability as it's based off your earnings how do they expect one to survive.
In reply to My husband is receiving SSDI by Suzanne (not verified)
Hi Suzanne,
They may not take away your husband's disability benefits after a year if the SSA still considers him disabled. Additionally, depending on his age he may qualify for early retirement as well.
I had a liver and kidney transplant in 2010. I never applied for benefits because I had insurance through my husband's employer. In May 2016 his factory shut down to move to Mexico. We paid for COBRA thru Sept but now all financial resources are exhausted. Just 1 of my transplant meds is $1297.00 a month. I work for a chiropractor and make about $200 per week. Needless to say, I can't afford my doctors, medications and have 2 week long hospitalization this year. I miss a lot of work because I am immunocompromised. ...is there any hope for benefits? Even just medical assistance? We don't qualify for other benefits because we own a small home that is paid off. I have 2 weeks of meds left. But used the last of our money to pay our property taxes. I need help fast. Can you contact me?
In reply to I had a liver and kidney by Tia (not verified)
Hi Tia,
You may be able to qualify for SSI, with those benefits you would be able to own your house and still receive benefits. You also may want to contact the office in your state that administers Medicaid, they may be able to provide you with immediate assistance.
I recieve a kidney transplant in 2005 and still get ssi payments every month . I havent found a steady job that can support me. I also haven't received a letter from social security review board or nothing . Am I in trouble . I would like to terminate my benefits as well. The money I get is only $ 812.00 a month . That's not enough to support me . What should I do ??
I need major advice
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