I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?
My ex and I have been divorced 7 yrs he just received ssi and doesn't pay support at all for our 3 kids is there any way the kids will recieve type of payments
In reply to My ex and I have been by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
If he's receiving benefits based off of his income, then benefits would not be available for your children.
My husband and I have had our step niece since she was 5 days old. We got full custody when she was 13 months. Both of her biological parents had their parental rights terminated. She is our baby and we are her mom and dad. My husband gets ssdi. Adoption is VERY expensive here. Our oldest son will be 18 soon. Losing that money every month could be detrimental. Does she not qualify for ssdi dependant pay?? Any advice on what we can do?
In reply to My husband and I have had our by Ms Garner (not verified)
Hi there,
Your step niece may be eligible for benefits, however you may need to formally adopt for her to be eligible for benefits.
So my children's father has been on SSI for years and i was told my kids might be able to receive benefits from him. My children are 10 year old and 3 years old? I do not recieve child support do you think they are eligible?
In reply to So my children's father by Jillian Buck (not verified)
Hi Jillian,
If he is receiving income based SSI benefits, your children would not be eligible for benefits based on that. If he's receiving SSDI benefits, then your children may be eligible for benefits.
I receive SSDI and have primary custody of my 4 kids am I eligible for a credit in determining what child support I am owed because my kids SSDI is derived from my benefit?
In reply to I receive SSDI and have by Jean (not verified)
Hi Jean,
Child Support is actually determined by Child Services, not the SSA. You'd need to speak with that department to potentially adjust your child support--I apologize for not being more assistance in this matter.
I'm a heart patient I had a couple heart attacks I'm 36 years old I'm a single father of a 6 year old son I get like 7:36 a month something like that it's not enough for me to support my son and I was trying to see why he can't get disability off of me they keep telling that he can't collect I had to be working for him to be able to get SSI and that's what I get SSI I never worked before
In reply to I'm a heart patient I by Rick (not verified)
Hi Rick,
Children are not eligible for SSI benefits on behalf of a parent. I apologize, but unless your son is disabled himself he's not eligible for benefits.
If someone is drawing social securiry disability and is drawing on a minor whom is the step child but doesnt live with the mother or the father is that legal for them to draw on that child
In reply to If someone is drawing social by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
It may technically be legal, but they payments would usually go to whoever takes care of the child.
My ex has not payed child support an he got approved for it will I receive his back pay if there is any.he payed for awhile an he owes like 26,000 behind an gives 300$ a month when he payed he's getting700$ so they will not reduce his payments will they. Thank you an have a great day.
In reply to My ex has not payed child by Kelly (not verified)
Hi Kelly,
I apologize for not being more helpful--it's possible for sure, but there's no way to know without a doubt. Child support is handled by Child Services. Some SSDI recipients pay a portion of their payments to child support, some don't. It all depends on what the court decides.
I have a question. I recieve ssi for my son. I recently got married and we have a one year old child together. My husbands doctor suggested that he apply for disability due to a physical aliment. If he is approved how would that affect my older sons ssi although he isnt his biological child
In reply to I have a question. I recieve by Sandy (not verified)
Hi Sandy,
That won't matter--your son could be eligible for SSDI benefits instead of SSI benefits, which is great because your son could receive those though adulthood. Once you've been married for one year he'll be eligible for these (assuming your husband is approved, of course!). You can get SSDI benefits as well to help care for your child's health if your husband is approved.
I get SSI for my 2 children one the olded one wants to to live with another family they want me to sign over custody to them does SSI still get to go to her or does it go to child that lives with me
In reply to I get SSI for my 2 children by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
SSI should follow the child, but someone will need to notify the SSA either on ssa.gov or over the phone (1-800-772-1213) to set up the address change/new beneficiary.
I get SSI for my 16 year old daughter and my 8 year old son if I sign custody over to a none relative does she still get it or does it go to my son
In reply to I get SSI for my 16 year old by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
If the SSI benefits are on behalf of the disabled child, the payments should go to whoever is paying for the child's needs. This means that if you no longer have custody and someone else is paying for your child's medical bills, he or she needs to be receiving the SSI payments.
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