Qualifying children

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?

Tim (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:31 Permalink

Molly, Thank you for responding...Her disability is that she has Post Partom Depression. She has been sent to the hospital several times for days at a time from Sept-Dec 2011, but she still had her job. She tried to commit suicide twice, once by taking pills in front of my daughter in Dec 2011 and the other by pulling a gun out and trying to kill herself in front of my daughter, her mom and dad a year later in 2012. When she got approved for SSDI in Feb 2013 but she already accepted her job. She is stating that she stopped work in March of 2012 but I have paperwork stating that her job was ending for end of funding and got paid till the end of May of 2012. From what I have read you have to be out of work for a full year before you are even approved, is this not correct? Since my girls are getting these benefits and she maybe actually committing fraud are my girls going to have to be responsible for paying the money back?

leola (not verified)

In reply to by Tim (not verified)

Tue, 10/24/2017 - 20:44 Permalink

can my son be approved for his. adhd idea in special education in resource has a learning disability cognitive delayed I had. appealed waiting on results do you think he will get approved

Molly C (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:31 Permalink

Tim, I'm sorry to hear about everything your family has gone through. You are right that the recipient has to be out of work for a year, but it doesn't necessarily have to be before the individual applies for benefits-- it just has to be determined that a medical condition will keep the individual from working at least that long. I do not know if your ex-wife is committing fraud, it depends on many different factors. I know you already spoke to the Social Security office, but I suggest you call back and let them know your concerns about your daughters and your ex-wife.

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:32 Permalink

My son is 12yrs. old, he has ADHD and anger issues that are disruptive at home and school. He take medication to help him focus and he is also in counseling. My mother applied for SSI for him. I've agreed for her to be his rep. payee. He is currently in the appeal process, do I have to give my mother full custody or legal guardianship over my son or what type of paper work is needed for her to handle this business?

Mary Jane (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:33 Permalink

My grandchild was born with Lissencephly and receives a little bit of SSI. He also has microcephly and micro optic nerve displasia so we don't know for sure how much he can see or hear. He has seizures alot and gets choked alot. He will be 5 in a few months and mom & dad recently divorced. We have been told that we could have someone come in and sit with him part of the time but cannot find that anywhere. Can you help me with this? Also are there any other benefits he can receive? His diagnois is death within a few years. Why does he not qualify for disability when he is born this way and has so many expenses and parents can't even make minimum wage or he gets kicked off.

Molly C (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:33 Permalink

Mary Jane, I'm sorry to hear about your grandchild's health condition. SSI is dependent on the child's parents' income-- if there has been a change in income due to the divorce, he may qualify for a larger monthly payment. Unfortunately the child will not qualify for SSDI because he will not have had the opportunity to earn a living and pay taxes.

Teisha (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:33 Permalink

I applied for ssi benefits for my daughter in April, 2013. I waited for a decision from ssa for 8 mos. only for them to send me a letter saying she didnot qualify. My daughter has asthma which has resulted in her staying 2 nights or more every time she has been hospitalized. Her having asthma does and has limited her activities since before the doctors even diagnosed her as a asthmatic. She was also born 36 weeks premature, which wasn't considered in the application process. Do I have a case at all? Should I appeal or should I hire a disability lawyer?

Molly C (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:33 Permalink

Hi Teshia. What was the reason for your daughter's denial. It should have been explained in notice of denial you received in the mail.

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:34 Permalink

My ex has total permanent disability during and after our marriage. I understand my ssd benefit as auxillary stops at divorce and gets divided into the childrens amount. 3yrs later doing the right thing I filed a motion due to kids health ins went down $80 and I don't want to owe him for overpayment. The judge ordered my ex to have no further obligation to pay child support for our children who are 8 & 12 yrs old. She feels the Social Security auxillary benefit that they have been receiving even from during the marriage is the payment for child support. She ran the guidelines with his income as earned income so it adds $153 taxes into the picture. Worker Compensation and SSD is non taxable unless you have earned income also. How is she taking away his out of pocket obligation of child support. The children's benefit from disability is separate and is not child support. He takes home $3100 each month disability and SS. THe children receive $428 each.

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:34 Permalink

My husband is disabled and we have two children that get benefits and I have two children that are from a previous relationship but they are his stepsons can my children also get benefits even though their biological father pays support sonetimes? I'm a stay at home mom he's always supported us I haven't worked in years.. someone told me his stepkids won't get henefits if their father pays support?

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:34 Permalink

I was wondering if a Child that the Mother is collecting SSI for the 17year old child plus child support, and the child is In the 11th grade as she should be, no extra money for medical ect...How is she collecting SSI AND CHILD SUPPORT?

Moniva (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 01/19/2017 - 18:39 Permalink

I was divorced from my hudband and my 3 children have been receiving x spouses disability payments i have sole and phyiscal custody of them because of too many dviolence i was at my worst with stage 3 cancer i let them stay with my x husband for 2 weeks he knowing that a back payment was due to them he went to social security stated he was going to be the new payee so ss office cut my benefits for them and he received my kids back payment he knew it was fraud i reported it and i dont know what to do i have not heard from fraud investigaters and he gambled this money i was told that the back payment will never get replaced to my children
He didnt buy them anything that was needed this is wrong and he states that i should of been smarter maybe my kids will never get this but he needs to pay ss for something he did wrong


In reply to by Moniva (not verified)

Mon, 01/23/2017 - 10:25 Permalink

Hi there,
If your ex spouse was overpaid by the SSA, they may ask for the money back.

Moniva (not verified)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 01/19/2017 - 18:39 Permalink

I was divorced from my hudband and my 3 children have been receiving x spouses disability payments i have sole and phyiscal custody of them because of too many dviolence i was at my worst with stage 3 cancer i let them stay with my x husband for 2 weeks he knowing that a back payment was due to them he went to social security stated he was going to be the new payee so ss office cut my benefits for them and he received my kids back payment he knew it was fraud i reported it and i dont know what to do i have not heard from fraud investigaters and he gambled this money i was told that the back payment will never get replaced to my children
He didnt buy them anything that was needed this is wrong and he states that i should of been smarter maybe my kids will never get this but he needs to pay ss for something he did wrong

D (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:34 Permalink

Hi there,
I do not know a lot about child support benefits, but child support and SSI payments are completely separate, as child support only goes toward the child, while SSI payments are for the disabled individual.

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:34 Permalink

My Ex husband passed away December 23, 2013. He had been trying to get disability for 3 years for his heart condition. A week after his death he received a letter in the mail stating he had a court date for to review his case. I contacted his lawyer and he said I could go to court and represent him. We were married for 13 years and neither one of us ever remarried. I was his only spouse and we had three children, which only one is under the age 18. We went to court and he was approved. How is his back pay going to be paid? Will my 14 year old daughter be the only one to get back pay or will I also receive his back pay? Its only been two weeks and I haven't been contacted. But there was $11,000 put in my bank account today from social Security for my daughter. I was just wondering if I would receive another deposit for his back pay? I still have to pay the lawyer. Not sure how they pay the back pay in this situation. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Lorraine (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:35 Permalink

my sister and her children receive survivors benefits due to the childrens father who commited suicide a few years ago and now my niece is severely depressed and has attempted suicide several times my sister is unable to leave her alone but has to work to support the children she lives in Utah with no family around is there a supplemental check she can receive because she is unable to go to work

Kizzie (not verified)
Thu, 11/05/2015 - 12:35 Permalink

My daughter is blind in her right eye us she have behavior problems I took her to get a psychological test done and they said she is ADHD and have some Depression...Would she qualify for SSI?

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