Eric's blog

How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits with the Blue Book

Submitted by Eric on

Social Security disability benefits provide financial assistance for millions of Americans each year. In order to qualify, applicants must show that their disability is severe enough to prevent them from working or living independently.

Because of Social Security’s in-depth application process, it can be tricky to figure out how to qualify. Below, we will show you how you can measure your medical qualifications by comparing your diagnosis to the Blue Book.

How the Blue Book Works

Disability applicants qualify as disabled when they can show that their condition:

Can I get help with Form SSA 3368?

Submitted by Eric on

The Adult Disability Report form, which is also known as Form SSA 3368, is one of the first and most important forms of a disability claim. This report is the cornerstone of your disability application with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and provides Disability Determination Services (DDS) with what they need to review your claim and make a decision on your eligibility for benefits.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!