Eric's blog

Does The SSA Have Their Own Doctors?

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The process of applying for and receiving disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA) can involve several steps. Often, it may be necessary for one of the SSA’s own doctors to examine you. 

Their goal is to determine whether you qualify for disability benefits based on the severity and nature of your condition.

What Benefits Are Cancer Patients Entitled To?

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You may be eligible to receive $3,627 each month. Fill out this Free Disability Evaluation today to find out more! 

There are different kinds of benefits for cancer patients. Among those different benefits are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, Medicaid, and non-profit assistance.

What Is Considered A ‘Severe’ Disability?

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Do you have a disability that prevents you from working and earning an income? If so, you may be eligible to receive disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA).

That said, it’s important to understand that the SSA doesn’t classify all disabilities as “severe.” This overview will help you better understand whether yours meet the criteria. 

Coping With Cervical Cancer and What Benefits Are Available

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If you were diagnosed with cervical cancer, it can be a difficult time for you. Here’s how to cope and what benefits you may be able to access while you are undergoing treatment for cervical cancer. 

How to Cope with Your Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

Cervical cancer may sound serious but it is treatable and as long as you try to take the stress out of the diagnosis you are more likely to have a positive outcome. Some action you can take could include the following:

Autoimmune Conditions and Social Security Disability

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If you have a severe autoimmune disorder you should qualify for disability as it is a disabling condition that prevents you from working and carrying out daily activities.

Autoimmune diseases cause the body’s immune system to attack and destroy healthy body tissue, even though the immune system is supposed to help to protect the body by attacking harmful antigens, like bacteria, viruses, and toxins. There are more than 80 different types of autoimmune diseases.

What Percent of SSDI Claims Are Approved at Reconsideration?

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If you have applied for disability benefits, the chances are that your original application was denied. This doesn’t stop you getting disability benefits, but you do need to start the appeal process with the SSA.

Many more disability benefits are approved at some stage of the appeal process, which is a series of steps.

When Do Social Security Disability Benefits Start?

Submitted by Eric on

It is worth knowing that social security benefits typically do not start immediately after submitting an application to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

There is a statutory ‘waiting period’ of five months after you develop a disability, even if you apply for a benefit immediately you stop working. This date is called the ‘alleged onset date’.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!