i need help!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I was sent to prison at an early age of 15, spent several years in solitary confinement while I was first incarcerated, my life has been in shambles ever since release, I cannot function in normal day life activities, cannot hold a solid long term job due to my background, I have sleep issues and trust issues, before I went to prison at age 15 I was in and out of reform schools and juvenile detention for my entire life, my father went to prison when I was 4 and spent 30 yrs in jail as well. I need help and don't know where to start, and advice would be greatly appreciated. im lost!

Wed, 05/11/2016 - 13:30 Permalink

Hi there,
To get disability benefits, it's best if you have some documented evidence as to how you've been affected, psychologically and physically, by your time in prison. Another good way to maximize your chances of being awarded disability benefits is to speak with a disability advocate or attorney. If you fill out the form on the left side of this page, we can have one reach out to you.

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