After my two initial denials, I finally had a hearing in front of a judge with a vocational expert the phone. The hearing resulted in a partially favorable decision. The 18 page written explanation accompanying the decision, had numerous mistakes related to the physical injuries & a number of quotes from my 82 year old mother (who was with me and questioned) and myself. August of 2009, I was thrown from my jeep upon hitting a tree. I broke my left femur, left foot, left wrist, and severed my right foot almost completely. I spent a month in the hospital and another three months in a nursing home on a wound vac. The right foot was only attached by the skin on the outer ankle side. I suffered a severe bone infection for 8 months and recommended to amputate. I refused. I had about 8 to 10 surgeries in the first year of recovering on that foot alone. A metal rod was inserted to stabilize the broken left femur, but had to be replaced after 4 months because the doctors realized it was the wrong length by 2 inches! At thirteen months my bone infection had finally cleared and the decision was made to fuse my foot to my leg. I lost much of the bone and ankle on the inside where the gaping hole was for 4 months stuffed with sponges from a wound vac. After 18 months of being bed ridden or in a wheel chair, I progressed to a walker and then to crutches in December of 2010. By Jan. 2011, my 82 year old mother could no longer sustain my two boys and myself on her small social security check. My oldest son was robbed of his college education and is forced to work as a dishwasher to help out. It seems my youngest son who was starting college this fall will also have to look for work instead. With my family on the verge of homelessness, I tried to re-enter the work force in Jan.2011 as soon as I could stand without crutches as a cashier for 10 hours a week. Because I am unable to stand for more than 20-30 minutes at a time, I was unable to maintain even those few hour per week and was let go by March. May the 3rd I has my hearing in front of a judge. The on the phone vocational expert could only suggest one job that I could reasonably perform: "a ticket taker". I have an associate degree, 2 years of nursing, and a phlebotomy certification. Because I was a full time student almost 5 years, I only qualify for SSI.(Even though I have been working since I was 15=21 The 18 page decision is abundant with mistakes relating to my injuries as well as incorrect quotes from my mother & my answers. One example: My injuries are documented within as: 2 fusion surgeries on left foot. I had at least 8 to 10 surgeries on my RIGHT foot. My femur (left) was never addressed. I have severe head trauma which causes panic attacks, uncontrolled outbursts, depression, ADD, and very little short term memory. Can anyone help me??? How do I get this decision over turned so that I may receive ongoing receive before my children and I become homeless? I was represented by a local attorney, but it appears he did not represent my case in a manner that would result in the best possible outcome.
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