September Is National Suicide Prevention Month

Submitted by rtg on

Suicide is sometimes the sad and preventable end result of deteriorating mental health, but suicide can be avoided with self-help and help from others. There are many resources that can be used to help prevent suicidal thoughts and suicide. National Suicide Prevention Month occurs every year in the month of September and is used to focus on spreading hope and useful information to those contemplating suicide and anyone who is in a position to help them. 


If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or contemplating suicide, you can call or text the 988 Lifeline hotline 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to talk about your thoughts and get help. Lifeline is based all over the United States and is funded by government and local individuals and organizations. The Lifeline network provides confidential and empathetic emotional support for those experiencing suicidal thoughts. 

What to Do If You Need Help

  • Confide in someone you know and trust to share your feelings.
  • Create a safety plan which sets out what you should do if experiencing suicidal thoughts. 
  • Contact a mental health professional who can help you deal with your mental health crisis.  
  • Call or text a crisis hotline, such as Lifeline 988, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts.
  • If you are having suicidal thoughts, you can act to prevent carrying out suicide by removing any easy access to the means that could be used, such as drugs, sharp knives, razor blades, etc.
  • If you are advised to seek urgent hospital treatment be prepared to stay in the hospital until you are advised that you are safe to leave.
  • Make sure you follow up on all medical treatment.

How to Help Someone You Know

You might not be the person who is thinking about suicide, but you may know someone who is. You may be able to help them through their mental health crisis but awareness of what they may be going through may provide an opportunity to reach out to them and avoid an unnecessary and heartbreaking death. Below are some of the sorts of things that you can do to help prevent someone from committing suicide. 

  • Talk to the person at risk, even if they seem reluctant to share their feelings.
  • Don’t just give advice straight away. Make sure you listen to the person at risk before you give advice. People going through a mental health crisis often feel more relaxed when they realize they are not alone.
  • Your emotional and physical presence can make a positive difference.
  • Call or text the Lifeline hotline on 988 to talk to health crisis and suicide experts. 988 Lifeline is available for advice 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. 
  • If you know someone is at immediate risk, call 911 immediately. 

The Importance of Your Mental Health 

An alarming percentage of Americans, estimated to be up to 90% of the population, have had, or are likely to have at some point, symptoms of mental ill health. Of this number, some may go on to be in danger of committing suicide. Nearly half of all suicides are committed by people who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.

Taking care of your mental health is essential because it impacts your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Mental health can lead to brain fog, and physical symptoms such as sleep insomnia that can affect your relationships. 

You can help your mental health by establishing positive relationships with others, exercising regularly, eating healthily and making sure you get plenty of relaxation time and sleep.

Mental Illness Can Cause Serious Financial Stress

The SSA considers some forms of mental illness a disability. If your mental health crisis is negatively impacting your financial situation, to the point where you cannot continue working for at least the next 12 months, you may be eligible for disability benefits.

Younger Social Security disability applicants often cite mental ill health as the major reason for seeking to secure disability benefit payments to ease financial stress. You will need to file an application form and have evidence of a serious mental illness to obtain benefits.

A disability lawyer can help you fill out the application properly and ensure you have enough evidence of your mental illness to qualify for the disability benefits you deserve. 

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