Social Security Disability is available to those that qualify for disability benefits. When you apply for these disability benefits, you must work through the system’s qualification process. You must show you are disabled under the guidelines set forth by the Social Security Administration. Further, you must show that your income remains under the limit. When your situations change, it may also become necessary to change your status of receiving disability. Not everyone is likely to have to go through this process, but it is quite often the case that many people go back to work or they no longer qualify under the guidelines in place.
Going Back to Work While on Social Security Disability
In order to receive Social Security Disability, you must be making under the limit set forth by the Administration. If you begin to make more than this, you must then stop drawing from Social Security. The program is specifically set up to provide income to those in need, due to disability or other factors. Many people who are drawing Social Security Disability actually do go back to work. They do not intend to live on the funds provided through disability. In some situations, these funds are not nearly enough to support a family and thus, many go back to work when they can do so.
Can you go back to work? Some people who are disabled would like to go back to work but they are unsure if they can do so. The person may feel that he or she is unable to do the tasks asked of them or the person may be worried about their ability to stand or sit for long periods of time, depending on their disability. The good news is that the Social Security Administration has put into place a program called work incentives that allows people to head back to work to try out the circumstances. You can get a job and determine if you can function well in it. With work incentives in place, you can keep receiving your cash benefits from the system, as well as Medicare benefits if you qualify for them. You can keep these funds for a limited amount of time. You do have to attempt to work on a full-time basis to qualify for this program, but for many, it is their way back to financial support and success.
If you do go back to work, you must provide that information to the Social Security Disability program. You must declare your income on your taxes as well. It is important to note that if you do not tell the Administration about your ability to work, and the Administration finds out, you could end up paying back those funds or facing fraud charges.
What Happens When Your Disabling Condition Improves
Another instance when you may no longer be eligible for benefits from Social Security Disability occurs when your health condition changes. In order to obtain Social Security Disability, you had to prove that you were disabled under the specific standards set forth by the Administration. In many situations, your condition may be a permanent one, without any likelihood of improvement. In other cases, this is not what happens. You may develop the means to work because your disability status changes.
When this happens, and your health improves to the point where you no longer qualify as disabled under the guidelines by the Social Security Administration, you no longer should receive benefits. In this situation, you do not have to be working to no longer qualify. If there is proof that your condition has improved enough, you may no longer qualify whether or not you have a job.
Keep in mind that the Social Security Administration does check up on you from time to time. Your case is likely to be reviewed throughout the time you are receiving benefits. It is beneficial to you to simply report changes in your status on your own, to ensure you are not in violation of any laws regarding the receiving of your Social Security Disability. However, under law, you are responsible for telling the Administration of changes in your health, including improvements or when you go back to work.
In short, you may lose your Social Security disability if:
- Your medication condition has improved to the level of no longer allowing you to qualify for disability through the SSA.
- Your workability improves to a level the Administration determines is “substantial.”
- You earn $1,620 or more per month or $2,700 per month if you are blind. These figures are for 2025. They can change yearly.
If you are facing the likelihood of losing your Social Security Disability, hire a disability attorney to help you fight for them. You can also apply any denial of benefits through the Administration. Do consider your circumstances and report any changes as they happen.
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