i have real bad arthritis and i have worked doing masonry and construction for almost 19 years and now it is real hard for me to get up and do my job and i have to figure something else out to do. i looked at going to school or something but i havent been to school since high school and i dont think i will be able to do it. i am in my 40s and i want to be able to provide for my family but i know that i cant work like this much longer its too hard. it gets real bad on days when it rains. i know you guys have a thing to fill out on here for help but i wanted to ask before i filed anything out. do you think i should try to apply for social security disability or do you think i will get denied cuz its only arthritis?
Hello berniemoran12,
It is possible to qualify for disability if your condition prevents you from preforming any type of work. If you feel that you cannot maintain a job and believe that your doctor would confirm the severity of your disability you may qualify for disability.
Best of luck,
I'm 34. Most all work in my adult life has been cash; I've no records nor has there been any income tax returns for many years. In other catagories I believe I do qualify. Currently I am in need of surgery on my knee (from a fall) and unable to stand any length of time were I to have a job. I've been doing pick-up temporary work whenever I can find it (prior to accident). Diagnosed with bipolar and clinical anxiety disorder, I'm currently under the care of a doctor who is advocating on my behalf to get the needed surgery. I have no income and minimal food and shelter allowance from family. So my major concern is whether or not my nearly zero contribution to social security would eliminate my chances.
In reply to I'm 34. Most all work in by Anonymous (not verified)
If you have not paid FICA taxes you will not be eligible for SSDI since it is an insurance program for disabled individuals. To be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance you have to pay into the insurance program through FICA taxes.
You may be eligible for SSI if you have limited assets since Supplemental Security Income is need based.
My husband is 56 and has always tried to conceal any medical/physical weakness from his employer. The company was acquired and the merger is ongoing with significant numbers of layoffs. While he has been hesitant to pursue any disability options in the past, he does have short term + long term disability insurance through his job and has enough credits to qualify for SS disability as well. He has been treated for rheumatoid arthritis for 6 years, was also diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy (via EMG, nerve conduction studies and nerve biopsy) about 4 years ago, has COPD and is depressed. His mental functioning at work is declining and at this point he is worried about being fired/laid off (he is a software development manager for an international oil & gas services corp). Not sure if he would qualify for any sort of disability as he is still going to work each day, but must lay down as soon as he returns home and cannot function here in any capacity. Not sure of the best course to take.
In reply to My husband is 56 and has by Anonymous (not verified)
Hello, I am sorry to hear about your husband's troubles. In order to qualify for disability benefits you have to be out of work for at least one year. Therefore, if your husband is currently working he probably will not qualify for disability benefits. The following page contains more information about qualifying for ss disability. Good luck, Chris
Would it be possible for me to request to work a certain amount of hours because of my being bipolar and having an anxiety disorder. I haven't told my employer I have bipolar disorder, but the real point of my question is whether or not it's alright for me to ask to work less because if I didn't it would cause me great distress and put my job in jeopardy because of the episodes increasing because of the on the job stress...and the fact that it could cause my disability to end because of the amount of hours I work. I was recently drug tested due to accidents I caused on the forklift. I also had to tell them I take anxiety medication, I was not comfortable enough to reveal I have bipolar disorder due to the stigma.
In 2001 I underwent a disc-ectomy to repair a severely herniated disc at L 4/5. When one has this surgery one is left with a condition know as 'Degenerated Disc Disease' which means as time passes the remainder of the Disc continues to degenerate. Over the past few years my condition has worsen greatly. In 2008 I was diagnosed as have a 'Significantly Degenerated, Bulging Disc'. I entered into a pain management program and was being treated for over a year with Morphine but stopped due to no insurance. I am in pain every day at times something as simple as letting my dogs out on the runner will trigger an episode that can lay me out for days. I am 40 years old and a father of 2 children. I used to run a printing press and before that I was a custom kitchen cabinet maker either of which I can no longer do. I have sense stopped running a printing press as of December 2009. I have a Doctors note instructing me to not lift more than 20 pounds or 10 pounds repeatedly. I have ALL doctors notes, MRI scan etc. Do I qualify? You can contact me at clintonslurvey@gmail.com
I had been working on my own for 8 yrs and recently started working for a corporation I have Cancer and will be needing more surgery and chemo. I called EDD for short term disability and they said i don't qualify beacause I haven worked for 16 months. What can I do? How do I pay my bills? Previous to me being self employed I worked for many years for a company and paid my dues. They don't take that in consideration? Please if anyone knows what can I do? Thanks Jose
If an employee has worked since 15 years old and has always paid towards Social Security. Six years ago he started working for the city and now just found out that any employee that works for the city doesn't pay towards Social Security so now his credits are 0, if hes ever let go from his job due to layoffs and then becomes disabled will he ever qualify for disability. Would he ever qualify?
In reply to If an employee has worked by Anonymous (not verified)
From what you have described, it seems as if he would not qualify for SSDI. However, this is also determined based on when the individual became disabled. For information specific to this person's situation, I would call your local Social Security Disability office. If this person does not have enough work credits, he may be able to qualify for SSI. SSI is a needs based program and distributes benefits based on disability and the amount of income the claimant has at his or her disposal.
I was diagnosed with narcolepsy w/cataplexy last year, I also have bi-polar and thyroid disease, can anyone tell me what my probability of getting approved would be. I go to the doctor every 3 wks for this condition and am watched closely. I have pasted out driving and at work due to the cataplexy. Does anyone have any advice?
In reply to I was diagnosed with by Shelly (not verified)
Hi Shelly, to qualify for disability benefits you need to have a condition(s) that prevents you from doing any type of work for at least one year. You will also have to meet certain technical requirements- these will depend on which program you apply for. I suggest checking out the different pages on the site and reading up on the different programs and requirements. Please let me know if you have any specific questions!
I'm 55. I've cut down my work schedule to 3 days/week. It's becoming extremely difficult to continue working at all. I have permanent nerve damage (neuropathy), arthritis in my back, along with High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes. I cannot afford to quit working entirely, but is that the only way I would qualify?
Over the last few years, my health has forced me to only part-time work. Even that is becoming too much. I have a number of conditions that are under the qualifications, but can I continue to work 16 to 24 hours a week while my SS Disability claim is being processed and reviewed? Or would my working at all simply disqualify me?
I am 19 years old, I have worked two part time jobs. I have had two surgeries on my right knee to repair two meniscus tears. I don't live with my parents because they are separated and they don't have room or the money to help me right now. i need to pay rent where I am currently staying but I cant stand for too long which makes it difficult for me to work. Do I qualify for disability? I need assistance in order for me to get better because I want to join the Navy.
In reply to I am 19 years old, I have by Anonymous (not verified)
Hello, I would read over the qualifications set forth by the SSA to find out if you meet all requirements. The following links will help describe SSDI and SSI to you:
<li><a href="http://www.disability-benefits-help.org/ssdi/qualify-for-ssdi">… for SSDI</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.disability-benefits-help.org/ssi/qualify-for-ssi">Qu… for SSI</a></li>
<p>Also, just to note, the SSA only pays for total disability. The exact definition, according to the SSA, of disability is as follows: "You cannot do work that you did before. We decide that you cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition <b>and</b> your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death."
I have been an RN for 28 years. Haven&#039;t worked in 2 years. I have diagnoses of hypertension (10+ years), diabetes, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.I hit 50 and am falling apart (I&#039;m 53 now). What is the likelihood that I would qualify for disability?
I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation 2 after having a car accident where I was knocked unconscious. I had decompression brain surgery. Now I have Chiari, Vertigo, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Depression with Psychotic Features, Mood swings, Seizures, Cervalgia, Balance disorder and Hyperactive Thyroid Disease. Can I use all my diagnosis to apply for Social Security
In reply to I was diagnosed with Chiari by Katherine (not verified)
Hi Katherine,
You can absolutely use all of your disabilities to apply for SSD benefits. Typically speaking, the more disabilities that affect your ability to perform gainful activity, the better. Depression and mood swings would not likely qualify you alone, but when coupled with your myriad of problems, they give you a stronger chance of success.
If you're interested in speaking with an attorney in your area about your claim, feel free to take our Free Disability Evaluation.
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