I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?
My exhusband did not list our 2 daughters on his original SSDI application, thereby not protecting their filing rights. I found out via a mutual friend he had applied and was approved. I applied for auxiliary benefits for our daughters and was told they would not be eligible for back pay, the day I made the appointment is their protected filing date, not what the exhusband's is. Are they still eligible for 12 month retroactive pay based on their own protected filing date? The system is an injustice to the dependents of applicants like my ex. The SSA knows our girls are his legal dependents, all our social security numbers are connected in their system. My ex swears he listed them and it's a clerical issue with his lawyer. I know I have no recourse to correct this for the kids.
In reply to My exhusband did not list our by Courtney (not verified)
HI Courtney,
I'm sorry to hear about that! However, they may not be eligible for benefits from the time of their father's filing dates, only from their own.
In reply to HI Courtney, by Bryan
Thanks for replying Brian. I found out from ex that his eligibility for benefits began August 2016, after the 5 month waiting period (EOD is March 2016). I applied for our daughters August 2017. I've concluded there's 11 months of retroactive benefits the girls should be eligible for. Am I understanding this correctly? When I had the interview at local SSA office, I was only told the monthly benefit amount they would start receiving Sept 2017, no mention of retroactive pay. Is this normal? Is it automatically considered? Do I need to follow up with SSA? I've tried calling locally and nationally, but nobody will give me an answer.
I have a 17 year old and she wants to move in with a relative in another town. If I am still responsible for her bills and necessities, am I still able to keep recieving her social security benefits or will it have to go to that relative.
In reply to I have a 17 year old and she by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
You may want to contact your local SSA office regarding this, however if you are still able to use those funds for the child's benefit you may not need to stop being a payee.
My son is 35 and disabled I been paying child support for 32 years now and he's been getting SSI , sense he was 18 how when can I stop paying child support
In reply to My son is 35 and disabled I by Terry (not verified)
Hi Terry,
The SSA does not actually handle child support. That is run by Child Services. It is possible that you could stop paying child support due to his SSI, but Child Services would need to make that decision in court. Best of luck to you.
I get SSD my kids get Social security because me if I go back to work full time do they lose it to
In reply to I get SSD my kids get Social by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi Terry,
That alone won't affect their auxiliary benefits.
I've been disabled years minor child already receives payments from me Since my husband has been awarded Full benefit with SSD will the child receive benefits from the both of us in the same household
In reply to I've been disabled years by Shelia (not verified)
Hi Sheila,
Your child may be eligible for benefits from your husband if his child benefit would be larger than yours.
In reply to My daughters father receive by Mrs.Phillips (not verified)
Hi there,
Dependent benefits are not available for SSI recipients.
I was just approved for disability and received back pay. Will my 7 year daughter receive back pay as well.
In reply to I was just approved for by Erin (not verified)
Hi Erin,
Congrats on getting approved. She may receive backpay, but I would recommend calling the SSA to notify them of this.
I am on SS disability. I was told my child was not qualified for benefits because I receive child support. Is this correct?
In reply to I am on SS disability. I was by laurie (not verified)
Hi Laurie,
While receiving child support would not make a child ineligible for benefits, if that child support puts you over the income and resource limits for child SSI benefits, your child would be ineligible.
I have a question if somone may know. I have 3 children i was getting disability for my older son and daughter, my son turned 18 so his money went to his sister so now my daughter has been getting both what he got n what she was getting. I had a baby a 15 month ago i didnt think he could go on cause i didnt have him when i became disabled but they told me yes and that he is entitled to 1 yr back is that true even though my daughter has been receiving the max amount i get for the kids?
In reply to I have a question if somone by Amee'Lea (not verified)
Hi Amee'Lea,
Your new child may be eligible for benefits based off of your work record, however I could not say if they would be eligible for back pay.
In reply to Hi Amee'Lea, by Bryan
Thank you Bryan i actually went there and spoke with someone they told me he is intitled to 1 yr back benefits, im just wondering how that is if my daughter was receiving the max benefits i get for children.
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