Am I eligible to receive benefits for a child?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have physical and legal custody of my neice. My sister receive disability due to her mental illness and I wanted to know if I would be able to collect disability for my neice? I have had her since she was 6months old.

Kellie (not verified)
Thu, 02/11/2016 - 12:31 Permalink

I live in Virginia and my son has adhd, odd. I work part time and receive child support fiance and his daughter receive ssa widows benefits monthly....according to research my child could be elgible for ssi disability benefits, what is the income guidelines we have household of 5 people? And what would the child's monthly benefit amount be bases on house of 5 and our income


In reply to by Kellie (not verified)

Fri, 02/12/2016 - 14:51 Permalink

Hi Kellie,
If you have two income earners in the household, and two children who are not disabled, you can earn a combined total of $ 4,525 per month, or about $54,000 per year.

Denise (not verified)
Wed, 03/16/2016 - 13:40 Permalink

I have custody of my Granddaughter and have for over five years now. this is permanent custody. Would she qualify for a portion of my check?


In reply to by Denise (not verified)

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 15:47 Permalink

Hi Denise,
It would depend on what benefits you are getting. If you are getting SSI, then she would not qualify as SSI does not have auxiliary benefits. If you are receiving SSDI benefits, then the child must meet these criteria:

  • He or she was under 18 years old when they first moved in with the grandparent(s)
  • His or her parent(s) are disabled or deceased.
  • If he or she is under 12 months old, they must have resided with the grandparent(s) and have received 50% or more of their support from the grandparent since birth.

I would still contact the SSA to find out more information about your grandchild's eligibility. Their number is 1-800-772-1213

Dwane (not verified)
Mon, 03/28/2016 - 01:25 Permalink

I have a left ankle that has had a terrible trauma to it. I have had 5 surgeries on it to fuse the ankle due to pain. The last two fusion surgeries did not fuse. Causing continual pain. In fact I lost my job due to not being able to go back to work within the appropriate time allowed. I have been off of work for over a year and do not know how long I will be out of work due to needing another fusion surgery that may work or not work. Am I eligible to draw Social Security Disability benefits?

JENNIFER (not verified)
Fri, 04/29/2016 - 12:16 Permalink


JENNNIFER (not verified)
Mon, 08/15/2016 - 19:04 Permalink

Hello, my 11 year old son was just diagnosed with high Functioning autism. I work and my husband works, he is going to need extra help. I've notice things are really hard for him to understand lately. Should we try to apply?


In reply to by JENNNIFER (not verified)

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 09:53 Permalink

Hi Jennifer,
Your son may qualify for benefits, but it depends on the severity of his condition, and your level of income and financial resources.

Peggy Welch (not verified)
Sun, 08/21/2016 - 09:16 Permalink

When will I receive my daughter benefits


In reply to by Peggy Welch (not verified)

Mon, 08/22/2016 - 09:26 Permalink

Hi Peggy,
If she has been approved, then the benefits would be disbursed in about five months.

Mariah (not verified)
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 12:36 Permalink

My child is four months old. He biological father died 10 days before she was born. Does she qualify for benefits?


In reply to by Mariah (not verified)

Mon, 08/22/2016 - 14:14 Permalink

Hi Mariah,
If your child has a disability that would affect her life, then she may be eligible for benefits. Additionally, she may be eligible for survivor's benefits based off her father's work record, I would contact the SSA regarding that as they would have the full details for your case.

Jessica (not verified)
Sat, 08/27/2016 - 03:38 Permalink

My daughter's father is attempting to get disability benefits due to mental illness. He has never had physical custody or paid any type of child support. She is 8 yrs old. He is attempting to get some type of documentation from her school, but will not disclose to me what kind information he needs. He has a copy of and is listed on her birth certificate. She is not a member of his household. Would she even be eligible to receive benefits if he is awarded any?


In reply to by Jessica (not verified)

Mon, 08/29/2016 - 09:13 Permalink

Hi Jessica,
She may be eligible if the father is receiving SSDI benefits, but she may not be eligible if he is receiving SSI benefits.

cliff (not verified)
Sun, 03/26/2017 - 18:19 Permalink

My 7 year old son was diagonsed late last year with high functioning autism. He is in his 2nd year of kindergarden. my wife is a stay at mom and I make about $53,000 a year. We have 5 kids with the 7 year old the only one having this problem. Mental health diagonsed him and is working to get all state help going. He has also failed every hearing test in the last 2 years. He is set to see a ENT doctor in July because he has fluid on ears that cannot be cleared up. He was born 5 weeks premature and spent 8 days in NICU.


In reply to by cliff (not verified)

Mon, 03/27/2017 - 10:17 Permalink

Hi Cliff,

I am so sorry to hear that. Wishing you and your family nothing but the best.


Torrey (not verified)
Mon, 05/22/2017 - 13:45 Permalink

If my child father is getting ssi is there a way my child could get some of his money for child support or can my child get some of the money to help me with her needs?


In reply to by Torrey (not verified)

Tue, 05/23/2017 - 17:03 Permalink

Hi Torrey,
SSI benefits are paid to an individual and do not included benefits for dependents.

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