Qualifying children

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?

Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 01/06/2018 - 18:33 Permalink

My child receives a social security check because her father is disabled. Will she lose her benefits if I get married?


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Mon, 01/08/2018 - 16:15 Permalink

Hi there,
Her benefits may not change due to your marriage as she receives them based on her father's disability benefits.

Lorinda (not verified)
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 19:43 Permalink

My daughter will be 18 in august will her check stop that she receives off her dads disability?

Jane (not verified)
Thu, 01/11/2018 - 19:33 Permalink

My ex-husband was recently determined to be permanently disabled thru the state police but since being an employee of the state police he did not qualify for disability benefits thru social security because they do not pay into social security but have their own disability program. We have two children who are minors and I have not received child support for them since he got sick in May 2017, and was wondering if they would qualify for any disability benefits thru social security maybe thru what I’ve put into social security or some other avenue? Any help would be much appreciated.


In reply to by Jane (not verified)

Mon, 01/15/2018 - 14:25 Permalink

Hi there,
Your children would qualify for benefits if their father qualified for SSA benefits based off of his work record. You may want to contact the SSA regarding this, you can call them at 1-800-772-1213.

brenda (not verified)
Sat, 01/13/2018 - 03:22 Permalink

I have full custody of my grandaughter would she be elegable for benifit through both her grandfather and her grandmothers benefits...


In reply to by brenda (not verified)

Mon, 01/15/2018 - 14:38 Permalink

Family law is a complex subject, and the laws can vary by state. However, your grandchildren may need to be adopted by you for the SSA to qualify them for benefits based on your work record.

Crystal (not verified)
Sat, 01/13/2018 - 14:56 Permalink

I filed for my son's disability he was denied I appealed it he was denied now I'm waiting for a hearing how long will it take to get a hearing date I'm in Kentucky I didn't have his evaluation done when I first applied but since the last denial I have the results I filed towards end of December for a hearing just wondering how long it will take for a hearing date

defined (not verified)
Sun, 01/14/2018 - 20:04 Permalink

I was disabled 18 months ago and will soon be applying for SSDI. My spouse and I do not live together and are currently applying for divorce.

We have two minor children under 16. My projected benefits are $830 per month for myself. What will my children's auxiliary benefits be and how does back pay work for that? My survivor benefits says the max is $1500, is that the same for auxiliary benefits?

My husband and I will have only been married for 9 years by the time the divorce goes through and the SSDI is approved (if it is). If I put him on the application, will it lower mine and the children's back pay benefits due to the family max? Would he get his own check for the back pay spouse auxiliary payments? If he's put on the application now but we're divorced when it's approved, can he still receive his own future auxiliary benefits since we both care for our children? And if so, will it affect my household max?


In reply to by defined (not verified)

Tue, 01/16/2018 - 11:26 Permalink

Hi there,
The familiy maximum is 180% of your monthly benefits. Your benefits would not be over that even if both your children and your husband receive benefits, and they all may receive back pay. After your children are over 16, your spouse would not be eligible for benefits based on your work record and that may change your children's benefit amount.

christa (not verified)
Mon, 01/15/2018 - 15:13 Permalink

My disabled child who is 23 lives with me and gets 750 ssi. I am going to get 940 ssdi. How much will daughter get. Will it stay at a total of 750 or could it be more? Remember she gets ssi and i am going to get ssdi.

Jan (not verified)
Tue, 01/16/2018 - 12:38 Permalink

Is it mandatory that a child receive auxiliary payments if noncustodial parent receives SSDI? If not, who must apply for them?

Ana (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2018 - 03:36 Permalink

My husband is on work disability due to colon cancer but does not want to apply for social security disability because he thinks it would affect his chances of going back to work. My family is going through financial hardship is there any way I can apply for my daughter to get her father's disability benefit. My husband lives in NY and I live in CA so he is not giving me any child support at this time because he is not working. I don't think he has any intentions of applying for social security benefit.


In reply to by Ana (not verified)

Mon, 01/22/2018 - 13:19 Permalink

Hi Ana,
Many employer provided long term disability programs include the requirement to apply for SSA disability benefits. I'm not sure of any programs that would include benefits based on a parent's eligibility where the parent would not need to apply, however.

Tash (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2018 - 15:43 Permalink

My husband has a 17 year old son from a previous marriage. My husband went on disability leave and is getting dependent checks for our kids together but my 17year old step son is pending. (His mother who is not on disability claimed him as a dependent for taxes) my question is does my step son still qualify to get dependent check and who claims the check? His father who is on disability or his mother? Thank you


In reply to by Tash (not verified)

Mon, 01/22/2018 - 13:24 Permalink

Hi Tash,
Your stepchild may still be eligible for benefits, and the check would be intended for the child. You may want to contact the SSA regarding this as they would make sure that the person receiving the check would be able ot use it for the child's benefit.

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