Hi i was wonder i called my social security office to update my number and the rep told me if i dont receive payment at certain time give them call back then say it was sent to local office and pending im confused what does this mean?
My adjuster for my disability called me yesterday and said they needed one question answered before final decision .. so I answered it and he said good perfect ! He said wow I have gone over your case it’s a lot .. but this all is good and all we needed . I said oh does this mean I was approved ? He laughed and said it looks good and you know I can’t really say on the phone ..
does this mean I probably was approved ? I am licked out of my account have tried and tried to unlock it so I give up .
Applied 3 years ago! Was denied the first time around. This time it's been processing since 4/2017. Last week got an update online that reads "Benefit application under review. A medical decision has been made and we are working to process your benefit application." A social security representative may contact you directly if we need any additional information or documents! Does anyone know if this is saying that I'm finally approved or not? Please help!!! Has anyone ever gotten this message and was approved??!!!!
So is the Medical decision portion & the benefit application not the same thing? Can a medical decision be approved & benefits application be denied? Is it one in the same or two separate decisions that make up the final approval or denial?
my social security number is I am trying to find find out if I have Medicaid or disability I have applied twice and I filed an appeal so I don't know what is going on when I call them they don't know and I filed the appeal December 30th
It's been 6 months that I applied for Ssi and Ssd I be checking on line and it has a bar that says 123 it's filled up to 3 and it say social security determination stats on my initial application processing not it changed to pending what does that mean on a initial application
In reply to Good afternoon I wanted to by Joanna lopez (not verified)
Hi Joanna,
That means they are still reviewing your reconsideration request.
Hi i was wonder i called my social security office to update my number and the rep told me if i dont receive payment at certain time give them call back then say it was sent to local office and pending im confused what does this mean?
In reply to Hi i was wonder i called my by Patricia (not verified)
Hi Patricia,
You may want to try contacting your local SSA office to see if they have a better understanding of what is going on.
My adjuster for my disability called me yesterday and said they needed one question answered before final decision .. so I answered it and he said good perfect ! He said wow I have gone over your case it’s a lot .. but this all is good and all we needed . I said oh does this mean I was approved ? He laughed and said it looks good and you know I can’t really say on the phone ..
does this mean I probably was approved ? I am licked out of my account have tried and tried to unlock it so I give up .
In reply to My adjuster for my disability by Jules (not verified)
Hi Jules,
You should be notified when you are approved or denied. You can contact the SSA at 1-800-772-1213.
Was it approved or denied
Ssa claim just sent
In reply to Ssa claim just sent by sarah (not verified)
Hi Sarah,
We are not affiliated with the SSA, so I can't say for sure if your claim was approved or denied.
Applied 3 years ago! Was denied the first time around. This time it's been processing since 4/2017. Last week got an update online that reads "Benefit application under review. A medical decision has been made and we are working to process your benefit application." A social security representative may contact you directly if we need any additional information or documents! Does anyone know if this is saying that I'm finally approved or not? Please help!!! Has anyone ever gotten this message and was approved??!!!!
In reply to Applied 3 years ago! Was by Kaprina (not verified)
Hi Kaprina,
That's a standard response from the SSA. It just means they are processing your claim and you should hear from them in the near future. Best of luck!
In reply to Hi Kaprina, by Eric
So is the Medical decision portion & the benefit application not the same thing? Can a medical decision be approved & benefits application be denied? Is it one in the same or two separate decisions that make up the final approval or denial?
In reply to Hi Kaprina, by Eric
Well never mind!! I just found out that I was APPROVED!!! Yessss thank God!!!
In reply to Well never mind!! I just by Kaprina (not verified)
Hi Kaprina,
Congrats! Best of luck to you.
my social security number is I am trying to find find out if I have Medicaid or disability I have applied twice and I filed an appeal so I don't know what is going on when I call them they don't know and I filed the appeal December 30th
In reply to my social security number is by Jennifer matelske (not verified)
Hi Jennifer,
We are not affiliated with the SSA, I would recommend speaking with a SSA representative regarding that.
What is the decision on my appeals status
In reply to What is the decision on my by Janet G Wood (not verified)
Hi Janet,
We are not affiliated with the SSA, so you need to contact the SSA to find out. Good luck!
What's my claim status
In reply to What's my claim status by Alma soto (not verified)
Hi Alma,
We are not affiliated with the SSA, so unfortunately we cannot assist you with that.
It's been 6 months that I applied for Ssi and Ssd I be checking on line and it has a bar that says 123 it's filled up to 3 and it say social security determination stats on my initial application processing not it changed to pending what does that mean on a initial application
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