When you apply for Social Security disability benefits in California you must submit a lot of medical evidence with your application. You need to submit medical records and other evidence to show that you meet the Social Security Administration’s medical requirements for SSDI.
Understanding the SSA’s Blue Book
The Social Security Administration uses the Blue Book as a guide to determine if you are eligible for SSDI in California.
What is the Blue Book?
When you apply for SSDI in California the first requirement is that you have not been able to work for at least 12 months before you apply. The next requirement is that you have been diagnosed with one of the conditions in the Blue Book and that you have medical evidence of that.
The Blue Book is a listing of all medical conditions that the SSA considers to be disabling. There are more than 200 conditions listed in the Blue Book, both physical and mental.
To increase the chances that your application for SSDI is approved on the first try you should include as much medical evidence as you can that shows you meet the requirements in the Blue Book for the condition that you have.
Medical Documentation Needed to Support Your Claim in California
The medical records and documentation that you submit will directly impact your claim for SSDI in California. Even if you don’t think something is important, submit it. It’s better to submit too much evidence rather than not enough.
Types of Medical Records to Submit
You can always submit more medical evidence than you think you need. But, when you turn in your application for SSDI you must have at least these types of medical evidence with your application:
- A letter of diagnosis
- Diagnostic test results
- Treatment records
- Doctor’s notes
- Hospitalization records
- Imaging like X-rays, PET scans, or MRIs
- Prescription lists
- Bloodwork results
- Test results
- Emergency or Urgent Care visits
Basically, any records related to your illness or treatment should be included with your application for SSDI in California.
How to Strengthen Your Medical Evidence
Your application for SSDI is your chance to convince the SSA that you really can’t work. So, you should include as much detail as you can about how your medical condition affects you and why it makes it impossible for you to work.
Proof of regular and ongoing treatment and follow-up medical visits with doctors in California is also important because it shows that the condition is ongoing and you still are not able to work because of it.
Importance of Following Treatments & Follow-Up Care in California
One of the things that the SSA will look for is that you are receiving on-going care for your condition.
Importance of Ongoing Treatment
Showing consistent on-going treatment and care for your condition is the key to a successful SSDI claim in California. You must be able to show the SSA that your disability requires continuous treatment and that you are obeying all of your doctor’s recommendations for care and therapy.
If you can’t show that you are taking prescribed medication, going to follow-up medical visits, and doing all the things that your doctor recommends for your condition your application for SSDI may be denied, unless you can provide a valid reason for not following the doctor’s orders.
For example, you may not take your prescribed medications if those medications result in severe side effects. The SSA would take that into consideration when looking at your application.
Proving Long-Term Disability
You also need to submit medical evidence that your disability is expected to last for a long time, if not forever. Submitting your medical records that show ongoing treatment, appointments, and recommendations for further medical care in the future will help show the SSA that you won’t be able to work in the foreseeable future.
Consultative Exams & Their Role in the Evaluation Process
If you don’t have enough medical records to prove that you meet the SSA’s medical requirements the SSA may ask that you go through a consultive exam.
What is a Consultative Exam?
A consultive exam is just another medical exam, but it’s with a doctor chosen by the SSA. The SSA will ask that doctor to submit their exam notes and other documents to prove that you do meet the requirements in the Blue Book for your condition. The consultive exam doctor will also ask you direct questions about your ability to work and make a medical determination about your fitness to work.
Preparing for a Consultative Exam
Consultive exams are very common, so don’t get nervous if the SSA requests that you take one. Just be totally honest with the doctor. Don’t exaggerate your symptoms or say what you think the doctor wants to hear.
To prepare for a consultive exam in California you should get copies of all your medical records and keep them in a folder or binder. Also, create a list of all the symptoms that you have and how they limit your ability to work. Bring all of your records with you to your consultive exam.
Receiving Benefits if You Don’t Meet Medical Requirements in California
Medical evidence alone may not be enough to qualify you to receive SSDI in California. If you don’t have enough medical evidence to prove you meet the Blue Book requirements or your condition isn’t listed in the Blue Book you can still be approved for SSDI.
How to Qualify with Unlisted Conditions
The Blue Book isn’t an exhaustive list of disabling conditions. If you have a rare condition, it may not be listed.
To have your application for SSDI approved with a condition that isn’t listed in the Blue Book you will need to prove that your condition is equally as severe as a listed condition to receive SSDI benefits in California.
Medical records, statements from doctors or specialists, and other documents can qualify you to be approved for SSDI with a medical-vocational allowance.
Medical-Vocational Allowances
Medical-vocational allowances are exceptions that allow people who are disabled but don’t meet the Blue Book requirements to be approved for SSDI benefits in California.
To qualify for a medical-vocational allowance you will need to submit letters from your doctors, whatever medical records you have, and any evidence showing how your condition makes it impossible for you to work.
The SSA will look at your medical evidence, your age, your work history, your education, and other factors to determine if there is any kind of work you can do.
If they can’t find any type of work you can do with the condition that you have, then you will be eligible for SSDI benefits in California
Working with a California Disability Lawyer
Working with a California disability lawyer can increase the chances of getting your application approved. A California SSDI lawyer can help you with things like:
- Meeting deadlines
- Understanding the application
- Gathering medical evidence
- Filling out the application
- Filing appeals
Fill out the Free Case Evaluation now to get connected with a California SSDI lawyer who can help you with your California SSDI application.