SSA Office Addresses and Phone Numbers in Wisconsin

If you need to find your local Social Security Administration office and phone number in Wisconsin this should help:

SSA Offices in Wisconsin

You can find SSA offices in these Wisconsin cities:


Milwaukee Social Security Office

Address: 310 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Phone: 1-866-770-2262

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Madison Social Security Office

Address: 6011 Odana Rd, Madison, WI 53719

Phone: 1-888-717-1526

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Green Bay Social Security Office

Address: 1561 Dousman St, Green Bay, WI 54303

Phone: 1-888-862-4811

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Appleton Social Security Office

Address: 607 W Northland Ave, Appleton, WI 54911

Phone: 1-877-694-5495

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Eau Claire Social Security Office

Address: 4120 Oakwood Hills Pkwy, Eau Claire, WI 54701

Phone: 1-888-780-1157

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Racine Social Security Office

Address: 4020 Durand Ave, Racine, WI 53405

Phone: 1-866-270-8629

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


La Crosse Social Security Office

Address: 425 State St, La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: 1-877-405-7841

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Wausau Social Security Office

Address: 352 Grand Ave, Wausau, WI 54403

Phone: 1-877-405-7841

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM


Services Offered at SSA Offices

Every SSA office offers a wide range of services including:

  • Help with your Social Security benefits application
  • Updating your personal information
  • Picking up forms 
  • Looking through the SSA’s Blue Book
  • Checking the status of a disability claim
  • Appealing a denial of a disability claim

What to Bring When Visiting an SSA Office in Wisconsin

When you are going to a Social Security Administration office locally to get help you should always bring:

  • Proof of identity
  • Social Security number
  • Medical records if you’re applying for disability
  • Proof of income if you’re applying for disability

It’s not required that you schedule an appointment, but it’s always a good idea to set up an appointment first so that someone will be available to help you and you won’t have to wait a long time. To make an appointment you can call 1-800-772-1213 or contact the SSA. 

When to Contact a Wisconsin SSA Office Over the Phone or Online

Contacting the Social Security Administration online is a great way to get help if you have a problem with your benefit payment or a general question. But, if you need help with one of these situations you should call or make an appointment so you can talk to someone who can help you right away:

  • Checking application status
  • Asking questions about benefits
  • Reporting changes in personal information
  • Complex disability claims
  • Questions about other aspects of your application.
  • Appeals

If you have questions and want expert legal advice about your disability benefits or Social Security benefits you can fill out a Free Case Evaluation right now to be connected with a Wisconsin disability attorney for a free consultation.

Additional Resources:

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!