I had my disability hearing with a judge in May. It didn't last longer than 20 minutes and the Judge only asked the VE one question which was What level was the job that I did on? Is that a good that he only asked that OR bad? I have bipolar disorder, depression, a form of spina bifida, arthritis in back and knees, vertebrae falling in back of another.
Hi there,
It is really hard to know if this was good or bad. I would say it seems good if the judge did not drill you on all of the activities you do every day. Sometimes judges will ask a disability examiner to come in and discuss which activities you could be able to do, which would mean that you are capable of work. If the judge did NOT do this, it seems more like a good sign than a bad one. But again, nobody will know until you hear back from the judge in about 5 months!
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