I have PTSD , Sever Deperession, and Anxity Disorder. For over 3 years now! I have been seeing my Mental Health Doctor W my mental dx and taking my medicine . I have seen my problems are getting worse to the point I've tried diffrent jobs with in the company , but has not helped but only got worse. I also have migran headaces and have now for 5 years and being treated for them, then I have ADHD taking meds and I've seen it is also getting worse, not only is that too much and I feel I'm at my breaking point my neck and back hurts and borers me from a reck. Do you think I would qualify for SSD
I was on SSI for 13 or 14 yrs. I married someone that draws SS and small pension. My SSI check was cut completely off. We have been married for 6 years. I am now age 52; am I eligible to draw SS ?
In reply to I was on SSI for 13 or 14 yrs by Lee (not verified)
Hi Lee,
It may be that your spouse's income has put you over the income limit for SSI.
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