
Submitted by support on

This whole process is hopeless from what I see. PTSD, Depression, Anxiety all from abuse from being in the System. Raking your nerve's to make through the next day. Just so the system can mess you up again. Totally hopeless

Connie (not verified)
Thu, 02/09/2017 - 16:32 Permalink

Keep It Simple - on your end and in your mind. You cant change the system, but can change how much you worry about it and how well you are doing in it. Just keep your files simple so you can find what you need when you need it, then let it go. I try to feel that sense of gratitude that I am not where I have been at the worst parts of my life. We are safe, warm, fed and have options as to what we choose to do or change in our own attitudes and lives, within our boundaries. Even the smallest change for the better reaps great rewards (that short walk outside every day, that dietary change, that volunteer part job, ANYTHING will change the equation. Chin up :-)

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