What Are Tittle II Benefits?
Title II benefits are the monthly benefits that you will receive from the Social Security Administration if your disability claim is approved. Title II benefits are not needs based, so there are no income or asset restrictions in order to qualify for monthly payments under Title II of the Social Security Act. You must, however, suffer from a long-term or permanent disability that is expected to last at least 12 months in order to qualify for disability benefits.
The monthly benefits provided to disabled workers by the Social Security Administration are referred to as Title II benefits because these benefits fall under Title 2 of the Social Security Act, which is the section of the Act where disability benefits are specifically addressed.

The condition must also prevent you from performing any type of gainful work activity. Those who apply for Title II benefits must also have enough work credits in order to be approved for Title II disability benefits. Work credits are earned each quarter that a taxpayer pays into the Social Security system.
What Happens If You Are Approved for Title II Benefits?
Analysts estimate that 3 out of 10 twenty year old workers will become disabled before reaching retirement age. In order to make ends meet, many of these individuals will file Social Security Disability claims with the Social Security Administration.
If their claim for disability benefits is approved, Title II benefits will begin and the applicant will receive a monthly payment from the Social Security Administration. In some cases, family members (such as dependent minors) of those who qualify for Title II benefits may also obtain Title II benefits from the Social Security Administration.
Many claims are initially denied disability. If that happens to you, you can then file an appeal to have your claim reexamined.
Consult with a Social Security Attorney or Advocate
Those interested in applying for Title II benefits may want to consider retaining the services of a qualified Social Security Disability attorney or advocate, as these professionals can increase your chances of receiving disability benefits. Take our Free Disability Evaluation today to see if you qualify.