Permanent Restrictions After Developing Kidney Disease

If you have developed stage 3 kidney disease your ability to work may have become severely compromised. It is still possible that you could receive treatment that could prevent further deterioration or even reverse some of the damage done to your kidneys. Kidney disease in itself cannot be completely cured.

Stage 3 kidney disease, about half way on the five point scale of deterioration, is severe enough to prevent any early return to work until there is significant improvement. Just as likely, further deterioration in the symptoms of kidney disease will mean more permanent restrictions on your ability to do any form of paid employment, including but not limited to sedentary employment.

Permanent Restrictions You May Experience with Arthritis

The symptoms of kidney disease depend on the stage the disease has reached. Stage 5, the last stage on the scale, is when the kidney(s) has failed completely. When the disease is going through the first two stages, symptoms are either not noticeable or comparatively slight. Stage3, a middle stage on the scale of deterioration, is recognized by symptoms such as those below:

  • lower back pain;
  • anemia;
  • abnormal rate of urination;
  • insomnia;
  • unexplained weakness and fatigue;
  • urine is an unusual color: typically, yellow, orange or red;
  • higher than normal blood pressure;
  • fluid retention / edema.

Any combination of the symptoms stated above could be an indication that your kidney disease has reached stage 3, although some of the symptoms experienced alone may not necessarily be due to kidney disease. Normally, a glomerular filtration test is performed to see how well your kidneys are functioning.

The higher the figure, the better shape your kidneys are in. Stage 3 kidney disease is reached when between 30 and 60. The aim of treatment is designed to maintain a figure of above 30 as this prevents further deterioration of the kidneys to stage 4.

Although medication can be prescribed if kidney disease has been exacerbated by other health problems, most treatment is based on lifestyle changes, including a change in diet, giving up smoking, more exercise and better sleeping habits.

Work History and Job Skills

Someone who has reached stage 3 kidney disease may be experiencing such severe symptoms to prevent normal employment and would suggest applying for a disability benefit from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

A benefit decision depends on an assessment of the current stage of the disease and any effect on permanent impairment due to the inability to reverse damage that has already been done.

Medical records and an accurate account of the onset and development of the disease and its effects on being able to continue working will be assessed as will tests to determine the current glomerular filtration test and any other tests that give an indication of how severe the disease has become. A prognosis of whether treatment would stem the deterioration would also be examined.

In addition to an assessment of the medical condition and permanent restrictions, a decision whether to provide a disability benefit will also depend on work history and number of credits that have been accumulated through social security insurance payments to date.


Can I Perform Sedentary Work?

The disability determination services (DDS) examiner will want to know whether a change in the type of work, such as sedentary work, would be possible based on the current stage of the disease, prognosis for potential treatment success and the effect on an ability to do any sedentary work at all dependent on permanent restrictions caused and the combination of symptoms experienced.

Get a Free Case Evaluation Today

If you are considering applying for a disability benefit, you should be aware that this could take several months and can be an exhausting process. You are advised to get legal advice from a disability lawyer at any stage of the benefit application process.


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