Disabilities of any scope can make living and working difficult. However, those with severe disorders may find it too difficult to get by without assistance. As of the state’s 2016 disability census, almost 3.5 million Texans experience a disability, placing Texas in the top 10 states with the highest percentage of disability.
While initial disability approval is about the same in Texas as it is anywhere else, Texas' disability hearing approval rating is about 10% lower than the national average.
So, to give yourself the best chance at disability benefits approval in Texas, continue reading below to learn more about your local Social Security Office in Fort Worth as well as potential application strategies that can help you get the benefits you may need and deserve.
Fort Worth’s Social Security Office
Address: 819 Taylor St, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (866) 704-4858
Office Hours:
MON: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
TUES: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
WED: 09:00 AM—12:00 PM
THUR: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
FRI: 09:00 AM — 04:00 PM
By car: This office is the largest Social Security Office in Fort Worth, Texas. The office is located in the heart of downtown, next to the US-35W and I-30 freeways.
Exits from either freeway towards the Fort Worth Convention Center will take you along W Lancaster Ave and directly by the Social Security office on Taylor Street.
By public transit: Multiple bus lines pass through the area surrounding this Social Security office in Fort Worth.
The Molly Trolley at Houston 6th & 7th drops you off about .2 miles from the office entrance, while the 15 at the Throckmorton & 6th stop lets you off around the same area. If this remaining .2 miles will be an issue, you can call ahead of time to request assistance.

Forth Worth’s ODAR
As mentioned above, a good portion of disability applications in Texas face an appeal hearing to review a case decision. These hearings are held at your nearest Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR).
Hearings are presided over by an administrative law judge, or ALJ, all of which are listed below for the Fort Worth location.
Address: 819 Taylor St. Room 9A27, Forth Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (866) 613-2744
List of All Fort Worth ALJs:
- Judge Carol K. Bowen
- Judge Brock Cima
- Judge Herbert J. Green
- Judge Darren Hamner
- Judge William H. Helsper
- Judge Ward D. King
- Judge Larry C. Marcy
- Judge Jack W. Raines
- Judge Christopher Van Dyck
Average Hearing Wait Time: 12.00 months
Average Processing Time: 449 days
Average Dispositions Per Day Per ALJ: 2.03
Fort Worth Congressional Representative and Senator Offices
When the disability application wait time is so long, it is only natural to explore every option to potentially speed up the process.
One way you can do this is by contacting your local government offices for an update on your application status. While this doesn’t increase your chances for approval, it can get your results to you more quickly.
Other methods, such as working with a disability attorney, can also be very useful here.
Congressional Representatives:
Kay Granger
Address: 1701 River Run Suite 407, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Phone: (817) 338-0909
Ted Cruz
Address: 300 E 8th. Suite 961, Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 916-5834
John Cornyn
Address: 221 W 6th. Suite 1530, Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 469-6034
Speaking With a Disability Attorney
Disability attorneys can make your disability case the strongest it can be. From managing paperwork, to staying in contact with the SSA, to representing you in court should you need to file an appeal — disability attorneys provide some of the biggest help you can receive during the disability process.
Even better, federal regulation prevents disability attorneys from taking payment unless you win your case.
Consider a free consultation with a disability attorney in Fort Worth today to give yourself the best chance at receiving the benefits you deserve.