Cedar Rapids Social Security Disability Resources

In order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits in Cedar Rapids, you will be required to medically prove that you have sustained a debilitating injury that prevents you from working for at least twelve months. In considering the scope of your disability, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will decide if your injury prevents you from performing your last job as well as whether it keeps you from engaging in any substantial activity that would enable you to earn at least $1,620 per month in income.

You can apply to receive SSD in Cedar Rapids either online or in person at a local Iowa SSA field office. Once your application has been received, the SSA will review it to make sure you meet the appropriate non-medical qualifications. Afterward, your Cedar Rapids disability case file will be forwarded to the Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services for a medical review by an examiner with the Iowa Disability Determination Services (DDS). The examiner(s) will obtain medical information from your treating physician to get insight into the severity of your injury. If there is enough information in your medical records to support your disability claim, the DDS will inform the SSA of your eligibility. If there is not sufficient medical evidence to support your Cedar Rapids SSD claim, your claim may be denied and you will have 60 days from the date you received your decision letter to appeal. Only about 32% of initial claims and 9% of first appeals are awarded in the state of Iowa. If your appeal is denied, you can request that your Cedar Rapids Social Security disability case be sent to a local hearing office where 42% of the claims heard are awarded.

Cedar Rapids Health Resources

After an injury, it is best that you seek treatment from a licensed medical professional who can both help you move successfully toward recovery and document your condition for your Cedar Rapids Social Security disability case. When it comes to SSD claims, the more information contained in your medical file that supports your claim, the better your chances of winning your Cedar Rapids Social Security disability case.

If you are denied disability benefits because there is not enough information in your medical file to substantiate your disability claim, you will have a chance to submit any missing information during the reconsideration appeal. Make sure that you are getting regular treatment from your doctor. For assistance with free or reduced-cost health care in the Cedar Rapids area, there are several facilities that may be of service to you.

Community Health Free Clinic
947 14th Avenue Southeast
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
(319) 363-0416

His Hands Free Medical Clinic
400 12th Street SE
Cedar Rapids IA 52403
(319) 862-2636

Mercy Medical Center
701 10th Street SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
(319) 398-6011

Cedar Rapids Mental Health Resources

Your mental health is as important to your overall well-being as your physical health. If you are in need of treatment for a mental illness, talk to a mental health professional in the Cedar Rapids area.

Cedar Centre Psychiatric Group
1730 First Ave NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5433
(319) 365-3993

Abbe Center for Community Mental Health
520 11th Street NW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
(3139) 398-3562

Cedar Rapids Supplemental Benefits

The monthly Federal Social Security disability benefit rate is $967 for an independent individual and $1,450 for a couple.

Your Cedar Rapids Social Security Disability Claim

Hiring a Cedar Rapids Social Security disability attorney to represent you in your SSD case can help expedite the lengthy application and review process. Many Iowa disability lawyers will only charge a fee if they win your case. If they do win, their fees are distributed from past-due benefits that become payable to you or through a fee petition. Current rates are 25% of the past due award amount, with a maximum fee of $6,000. If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Cedar Rapids disability lawyer.

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