Clarksville Social Security Disability Resources

If you are a worker who has been injured and cannot work for at least one full year, you may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits in Clarksville, TN.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) conducts thorough medical and non-medical examinations of each disability case to ensure applicants meet income and work credit requirements as well as fulfill certain medical criteria as set by the SSA. In considering your Clarksville disability case, the SSA will look at your ability to perform not just the duties of your last job, but also your ability to perform the duties of any other job in which you can earn at least $1,620 per month. If you have been injured, it is always in your best interest to get regular treatment from a licensed physician to document your disability.

The SSA has an online portal for application submission. Of course, you can submit your application and gather Clarksville Social Security resources at a local Tennessee SSA field office. After your application has been received, the SSA will review your work history to determine if you have earned enough work credits and met the income qualifications needed to receive disability benefits. Once the non-medical review is complete, your file will be forwarded to the Tennessee Disability Determination Services (DDS) for medical review. The DDS will request your medical records from your treating physician and use the information contained in your records to make a determination on the severity of your disability. If there is enough medical evidence in your files to support your disability claim, the DDS will advise the SSA of your eligibility.

At the end of 2011, close to a quarter of initial SSD claims are awarded in the state of Tennessee. That is below the national average of one-third. There is a good chance that both your initial claim and subsequent request for reconsideration will be denied. However, if your appeal is denied, you can request a hearing and have your Clarksville Social Security Disability case heard by a Clarksville administrative law judge in the Nashville hearing office. More than half of the SSD cases heard by the Nashville hearing office are awarded.

Health Resources in the Clarksville Area

It is important that you seek medical attention as soon as you are injured. If you are uninsured or under-insured, there are free and reduced-cost healthcare facilities in the Clarksville area available to service you.

Good Samaritan Medical Ministry
346 Union Street
Clarksville TN 37040
(931) 648-2444

Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center - Clarksville Clinic
230 Dover Road
Clarksville TN 37042
(931) 920-5000
(865) 546-7330

St. Bethlehem Office
2320 Wilma Rudolph
Clarksville,TN 37040
(931) 645-1564

Sango Office
2302 Madison Street
Clarksville,TN 37043
(931) 245-2400

Mental Health Resources in Clarksville

Getting the treatment you need for a mental illness is important. Seek the help of a licensed mental health professional in the Clarksville area.

Weems Academy
812 Greenwood Avenue
Clarksville, TN 37040
(931) 920-7370

Centerstone - Pembrook House
Adult Independent Housing
1319 Wennona Drive
Clarksville, TN 37042

Tennessee Valley Healthcare System – Clarksville Outpatient
1832 Memorial Drive
Clarksville, Tennessee 37043
(931) 645-3552

Clarksville Supplemental Social Security Benefits

The Federal Social Security Disability benefit for an independent individual is $967 and $1,450 for a couple. The state of Tennessee does not pay a separate supplemental benefit to individuals who qualify for Social Security Disability.

When to Find a Clarksville Social Security Disability Attorney

Disabled workers face many challenges, particularly those related to recovery and the financial concerns that arise from being unable to work. Clarksville Social Security Disability cases can be lengthy, going for months and even surpassing the one-year mark. You have the right to hire a Clarksville Social Security Disability attorney at any point during the application and review process.

A Clarksville SSD attorney can help expedite the review process and will often provide a free initial consultation. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from past-due benefits or through a fee petition. The maximum amount an attorney can collect for representing you in an SSD case is $6,000.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!