Schedule a Social Security Appointment at Your Jacksonville office

If you live in Jacksonville and can’t work due to illness or injury, you can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income. This can be done at your local Jacksonville Social Security office or by calling the Social Security Administration (SSA) at (800) 772-1213. For your claim to be approved, you’ll have to prove to the SSA that you’re unable to perform (essentially) any job on a regular basis. While that may not seem like too difficult a task, the fact is that over 70% of applications for disability are denied nationwide. If you’re applying for Social Security in Jacksonville, you’ll probably be in for a long wait as you endure the SSA’s lengthy appeals process. If you do get granted benefits, it’s very likely that this will happen following your second appeal, when you’ll have your Jacksonville disability hearing. Although more than half of Jacksonville Social Security Disability hearings result in a favorable decision for the claimant, the wait for this hearing can be very long – in fact, the average wait for Jacksonville Social Security Disability applicants to have a hearing is 355 days.

Jacksonville Health Resources

When you apply for Social Security in Jacksonville, your file is sent to the Florida Disability Determination Services (DDS) where a claims adjudicator will review your records and make the decision on your application (in conjunction with a medical expert.) Although they will consider everything in your file, by far the most important piece of evidence is your medical records. In order to win your Social Security Disability claim, it’s essential that you have records reflecting ongoing medical treatment for your disabling conditions.

Some Jacksonville Social Security applicants could face difficulty have affording the medical treatment that they need. Luckily, there are some Jacksonville resources for free or reduced-cost healthcare.

DuVal County Health Department
515 W. Sixth St.
Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-3220

I.M. Salzbacher Center
611 E. Adams St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 359-0457

Volunteers in Medicine
4 E. Duval St.
Jacksonville, FL 32247
(904) 399-2766

We Care Jacksonville, Inc.
900 University, Ste. 609
Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 665-2269

Mayo Clinic – Jacksonville
4500 San Pablo Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 953-0853

Oasis Medical Center
2961 University Blvd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 745-8060

Agape Community Health Center
515 W. Sixth St.
Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-3256

Jacksonville Mental Health Resources

If a mental health condition affects your ability to work, it’s equally important to obtain the necessary psychiatric treatment. For help with this, contact one of the below Jacksonville mental health resources:

Northwest Behavioral Health Services
2392 N. Edgewood Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 781-7797

Mental Health Resource Center
590 Ellis
Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 786-1843

Jacksonville Supplementary Benefits

Those who are eligible for the federal needs-based disability program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI,) may also be able to get an additional payment from the State of Florida. Jacksonville SSI recipients could get $78.40 per month as long as they have no income other than their SSI payment and don’t reside in a Medicare-funded facility.

Jacksonville residents who receive either Social Security Disability Benefits are likely eligible for Florida Medicaid coverage, and possibly other forms of assistance.

Your Jacksonville Social Security Disability Claim

Despite receiving regular medical treatment and providing all medical records to the SSA, many Jacksonville disability applicants will still have their claims denied. You could greatly benefit from hiring a skilled Jacksonville Social Security Disability attorney. A top Jacksonville disability lawyer can assist you no matter which stage in the process your claim is at. If you’re in the first stages of applying for Social Security in Jacksonville, a top Jacksonville Social Security lawyer can ensure that the SSA has all of your relevant records and is appropriately considering all evidence. If you’re waiting for your disability hearing, a knowledgeable Jacksonville Social Security Disability attorney can prepare you to testify in front of the judge and when the time comes they’ll be able to cross examine any expert witnesses that the SSA may hire to appear at your hearing.

Luckily, there’s no upfront cost to hire a helpful Jacksonville Social Security lawyer. A Jacksonville disability attorney works on a contingent fee basis, meaning that they don’t get receive a fee unless you’re awarded benefits (and if that happens, they will get 25% of your back benefits, up to a maximum of $6,000.)

If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Jacksonville social security attorney.

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