If you’re a New York resident and are unable to work for at least a year due to injury or illness, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. To qualify, you’ll need to demonstrate (mainly through medical records) that there are essentially no jobs that you could perform on a full-time basis.
The first step in obtaining disability benefits in New York is to complete an application, which can be done online, at a local Social Security office, or over the phone. Around 70% of applications are denied. When this happens, you can file a Request for Reconsideration, but around 90% of these appeals are also denied. Your claim has the best chance of approval at the next level – the disability hearing. Although the wait for a hearing can be long, approximately 64% of New York disability applicants are awarded benefits at their hearing, which takes place at your New York hearing office.
New York Disability Health Resources
Medical records are an important piece of the puzzle when you’re applying for disability benefits in New York. You’ll need to have medical records that reflect the symptoms and disabling conditions that prevent you from working. When you apply for disability in New York, a claims adjudicator working for New York Disability Determination Services will review your medical records and decide whether or not you are eligible for disability benefits. If your claim is denied, you can submit additional records at each stage of the appeals process.
Sometimes New York disability applicants may find it hard to obtain the necessary medical treatment. Luckily, you may be able to obtain free of reduced-cost healthcare. Some options are listed below.
Access Community Health Center
83 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
(212) 895-3410
Betances Health Center
380 Henry Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 227-8408
Callen Lorde Community Health Center
356 W. 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 271-7200
Brooklyn Free Clinic
613 Throop Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
(347) 920-8379
Ryan-Nena Community Health Center
279 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009
(212) 477-8500
New York City Free Clinic
16 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
(917) 544-0735
Weill Cornell Community Clinic
East 70th Street at York Avenue
Helmsley Building, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
(646) 962-9222
New York Mental Health Resources
If you're a New York resident who’s applying for disability and need mental health services, such as that of a psychiatrist or counselor, you can contact the Metropolitan Center for Mental Health.
Metropolitan Center for Mental Health
1090 St. Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY 10032
(212) 543-0777
New York State Supplemental Benefits
Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is Social Security's needs-based disability program. If you're approved for SSI, the state of New York will add a supplementary payment. The amount you receive depends on your living arrangements.
The Federal Social Security disability benefit income is $967 for an independent individual and $1,450 for a couple.
Those who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in New York could be eligible for health insurance through Medicaid or New York's Family Health Plus program. For more information, or to apply, contact the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene at (212) 788-5788.
Your New York Social Security Disability Claim
Unfortunately, some Social Security Disability claims are denied despite very supportive medical records. Thus, it can be beneficial to hire a New York Social Security lawyer to assist you. A knowledgeable New York disability attorney can ensure that all relevant evidence is submitted to the SSA and is being fairly evaluated. Social Security claims can take two years or more to resolve, and a New York disability lawyer can verify that everything is being done properly and can answer any questions you might have along the way.
There’s no upfront cost to hire a New York Social Security attorney. SSD attorneys in New York are only paid if you receive benefits. If your application isn't approved, they’re not paid. If you’re awarded benefits, they receive a fee equal to 25% of your back benefit payments, up to a maximum of $6,000.
For a free evaluation of your case contact a New York Social Security disability attorney.