Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability Resources

Qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits in Sunrise Manor, NV requires you to provide medical proof that you have suffered an injury that has rendered you permanently disabled or that prevents you from being able to work for at least one year. In reviewing your Social Security Disability case, the SSA will consider whether your injury prevents you from performing the duties of your last job as well as whether the injury keeps you from being employed in any job in which you can earn $1,620 per month.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will review your work history, earned income, work credits, education, and age to make a determination on whether you meet non-medical qualifications for Social Security Disability benefits in Sunrise Manor. Afterward, the SSA will forward your case file to the Bureau of Disability Adjudication (BDA) for review. If there is sufficient medical evidence to support your Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability claim, the Bureau will inform the SSA of your qualifications. If there is insufficient medical evidence in your file to support your claim, your Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability claim may be denied altogether.

Currently, less than one-third of initial Social Security Disability claims submitted to the SSA in the state of Nevada are awarded. If your claim is denied, you have the right to request a reconsideration. When your claim is reconsidered, your Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability case goes back to the BDA and is reviewed by a separate medical review panel. If your claim is denied a second time, you can ask that your case be heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ) at the Las Vegas hearing office. At the hearing level, nearly half of the cases heard by a Las Vegas ALJ are awarded.

Health Resources in the Sunrise Manor Area

The outcome of your Sunrise Manor SSD case depends heavily on the presence of substantial medical proof of your disability. That is why it is so important that you are under the care of a licensed medical professional. If you are unable to afford treatment, there are a number of reduced-cost and free healthcare facilities in the Sunrise Manor area to serve you.

Community Outreach Medical Center
1140 Almond Tree Ln # 306
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 657-3873

The Nevada Clinic
3663 Pecos McLeod Int
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(702) 508-3605

Guadelupe Medical Center
1219 East Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 384-1110

Sunrise Manor Mental Health Resources

Access to quality mental health care in Sunrise Manor, NV is important for anyone suffering from a mental illness. If you are battling a mental health issue that keeps you from getting a job for at least one year, you may qualify for Social Security Disability in Sunrise Manor, NV. There are mental health facilities in the Sunrise Manor area to assist you.

Mojave Mental Health
4000 E Charleston Blvd # 230
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 968-4000

Compass Behavioral Health
4160 S Pecos Rd # 13
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(702) 396-3464

Opportunity Village
1506 Lady Bryan Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89110
(702) 438-1443

Sunrise Manor Supplemental Social Security Benefits

The Federal Social Security Disability benefit for an independent individual is $967 and $1,450 for a couple. A supplemental state benefit may also be available for you if you are aged or blind and qualify for supplemental security income.

When to Find a Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability Attorney

From the time you submit your SSD application to the local SSA field office to the time a final decision is made on your case the process can take months, and often more than a year. It may be in your best interest to hire a Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability attorney to help guide you through the process more quickly.

Many attorneys will only charge a fee if they win your case. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from retroactive benefits. The maximum an attorney can collect for representing you in a disability case is $6,000. For a free evaluation of your Social Security Disability case contact a Sunrise Manor Social Security Disability lawyer.

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