Tempe Social Security Disability Resources

If you have recently sustained an injury that keeps you from achieving gainful employment for at least twelve months, you may qualify to receive social security disability in Tempe, AZ. There are income and work credit requirements that must be met. In addition, you will need to be able to provide medical proof that you have an injury that qualifies as a disability under the Social Security Act.

When you submit an application to your local Social Security Administration (SSA) field office, the SSA will review your non-medical qualifications tand hen forward your case file to the Arizona Disability Determination Services (DDS) for a thorough medical review. A panel of disability specialists at the DDS will examine the information received from your doctor to determine if your injury is severe enough to keep you out of the workforce for at least a year.

If the determination is made that you do suffer from a qualifying disability, the DDS will inform the SSA of your eligibility and then turn your case file back over to the Social Security Administration so that they can issue a decision on your Tempe Social Security disability case. If your case is denied, you will have the opportunity to appeal the decision within 65 days of the date on your determination letter. At the end of 2011, 28% of initial Social Security disability claims in the state of Arizona were awarded and only about 12% of appeals turned out favorably for the claimant. If your appeal is denied, you should ask to have your Tempe Social Security disability case be heard by an administrative law judge at a Phoenix hearing office. At the hearing level, more than half of the cases heard are awarded.

Tempe Health Resources

Your medical records play a significant part in your Tempe Social Security disability case. That is why it is important that you see a doctor as soon as you are injured. The DDS uses the information in your medical file to rule on your disability and pre-determine the length of time you are expected to receive benefits if you do, in fact, qualify for SSD in Tempe.

If you are not currently under the medical care of a doctor or are in need of reduced-cost and free healthcare options, the following Tempe healthcare facilities may be of service to you:

Tempe Urgent Care
6323 South Rural Road
Tempe, AZ 85283
(480) 775-2657

Mountain Park Health Center - Tempe
1492 S. Mill Ave. 312
Tempe, AZ 85281
(602) 243-7277

Tempe Community Action Agency
2150 E Orange St
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 350-587

Community Holistic Health Clinic
2504 Rural Road
Tempe, AZ 85282
480) 968-7767

Tempe Area Mental Health Resources

Access to mental health resources in Tempe is important if you are suffering from a mental illness that keeps you from being able to work. For assistance with mental health issues, seek the help of a licensed mental health professional in Tempe.

Community Provider Enrichment
2415 W Huntington Dr # 103
Tempe, AZ 85282
(602) 431-9511

Valle Del Sol
511 South Rockford Drive
Tempe, AZ 85281
(602) 258-6797

ASU Clinical Psychology Center
950 S McAllister
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 965-7296

Tempe Supplemental Social Security Benefits

The Federal Social Security disability benefit for an independent individual is $967 and $1,450 for a couple. The state of Arizona does not provide a supplement to adult recipients of federal social security benefits.

When to Find a Tempe Social Security Disability Attorney

Filing a social security claim can be a lengthy process. In the Tempe area, the average processing time for a Social Security disability claim can extend well over a year if you have to appeal the initial decision. A Tempe Social Security disability attorney can help guide you through the process more quickly and improve your chances of being awarded disability benefits.

Many attorneys will only charge a fee if they win your case. If your attorney wins, a standard fee of 25% of your award is collected from retroactive benefits. The maximum an attorney can collect is $6,000. If you are interested in obtaining an evaluation of your Social Security Disability case, click the "Free Disability Evaluation" link at the top of the page for your free case evaluation or to get more information about hiring a Tempe disability lawyer.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!