Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Representative Payee

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

How do I become a representative payee for my sister receiving SSI. THe local mental health group is now the representative payee. SInce my mother passed away in December, I now have time to help my sister and be her representative payee.

What are the procedures?
WHat form do I fill out?

SSI Benefits and Education

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Does anyone know if I can get help with my education expenses through SSI. I have gotten grants but I was told by a friend that they payed for his college . In return, he must go back to work within 9 months after graduation, while still reciving his monthly payments. The job has to be within his physical and mental capabilities, of course.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We have a couple of disabled interpreters that are no longer able to get around but do some work for us from home via video. Is there a limit to the hours they can work? If they are on call but not actually working, is this counted?

Additional benefits

Submitted by Noah on

I was just recently told my grown disabled blind daughter, who receives SSI, may be eligible for further benefits due to her dad being disabled, retired early with COPD and receiving SS benefits. Is this true? She is 26 years old, and we are STILL waiting on her medicaid waiver to kick in so we can get help caring for her. Right now I am concerned she gets all she deserves as she needs a structured program during the day when I work instead of just loafing around all day doing nothing, and I cannot afford that out of pocket.

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