Mental Conditions

Major depressive disorder, ADHD, agorophobia, PTSD, histionic personsality disorder, acute anxiety, panic attacks

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I applied about 4 years ago on my own for disability benefits based on my many issues. It became impossible for me to work at all about 8 years ago. My application was not approved. At this time I sought out a disability advocate to represent me. They filed the appeal which was denied. In truth I have been suffering from my conditions for over 30 years & have gone through a myriad of medications. My advocate listed my onset as 8 years ago when I could no longer work. The appeal filed through my advocate was denied.

Disability and Healthcare power of Attorney

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My husband has health care power of attorney for his mom and he has filled out all information for her for the last year. She has a rare form of dementia and hasn't been able to do anything on her own in years. He's been dealing with the social security office for a year and now they are at the end and telling him they will only deal with her and who is in her direct care (meaning nursing home). This makes NO sense to me.

Just had my ALJ hearing...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Help me put my mind at ease, or atleast give me your thoughts.
So last Thursday I had my ALJ hearing. A little background on me:
Age: 31
US Army combat veteran
Diagnosed PTSD
Filed VA Compensation: 05/06/15
Stopped working 10/06/15 due to condition, been working with same company as a retail store manager for 5 years (aside from military leave for deployment).
Initial SSDI application: 12/15/15
SSDI DDS denial: 3/28/16
Request Appeal: 4/1/16
VA claim adjudicated: Awarded 100 solely for PTSD


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I spent most of my childhood in and out of mental facilities. I've been diagnosed with Bi-Polar, Depression, Anxiety, and some other things. When I turned 18 the state wouldn't cover my doctor visits any more, and I couldn't afford to go on my own. I've tried so hard to live a normal life. But I bounce from job to job because I just can't handle them. I finally broke down and admitted I need help, so I applied for disability. I finally got a call back telling me I make too much money and they can't do anything to help me.

my own payee - review ?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

becoming my own payee, worried about being reviewed; 64 yrs old, on ssdi, have always had a payee, last reviewed 2008 or 2010; seeing psychiatrist and taking medications, if i get reviewed and denied can't i appeal and get my check during appeal ? trying to stretch my mental disabillity out 2 years, until i'm 66 (when i'll be eligible for full retirement) ; thanks

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