Short Term Disability Vs. Social Security Disability Benefits

Submitted by Daniel on

As you may have noticed, we have been using our most recent blog posts to address questions that we receive about disability benefits. The question that we will be answering today involves short-term disability benefits—something that we get asked about all the time.

As always, if you have a question that you’d like us to answer, leave it in the comment section below. Today’s blog question is:

What are short-term disability benefits and are they connected to Social Security Disability?

Short-term or temporary disability benefits are only offered in five states. This type of benefit is intended to assist individuals who have a short-term, non-work-related health conditions. Short-term disability coverage is offered by the state and is typically funded by an employer—although it can also be purchased.

Short-term disability benefits are not connected to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In fact, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not offer any type of short-term disability benefits.

Short-term disability is offered in California, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Rhode Island. In order to qualify, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have been employed by your company for a set amount of time;
  • You must meet minimum income requirements in states where they apply;
  • You must be disabled for a minimum of one week before becoming eligible to receive short-term disability benefits;
  • Your illness or injury must not be work related; and
  • You cannot receive these benefits for longer than 26-30 weeks—or 52 weeks in California.

To qualify, you must provide medical documentation of your illness or injury. After applying, the claimant can start receiving benefits in as little as eight days. Short-term disability benefits are roughly equal to 60% of the employee’s wages.

If you are interested in learning more about short-term or temporary disability benefits, contact your employer or the state in which you live.

Blog comments

Loredana (not verified)

Hi today I received my

Hi today I received my inheritance from my mother's Estate. I'm on SSI, how long does I have before I turn it in? A friend said I have till the first of August please could you help?

Sat, 07/15/2017 - 15:50 Permalink

In reply to by Loredana (not verified)

Hi There,

Hi There,

I would recommend reporting that to the SSA as soon as you can.


Mon, 07/17/2017 - 09:43 Permalink
Sharon martynuska (not verified)

People are lying avoiding

People are lying avoiding wirk get welfare. Child support. You people need to watch these criminals why arent you im 66 tired of seeing it

Sat, 01/13/2018 - 15:28 Permalink

In reply to by Sharon martynuska (not verified)

Hi Sharon,

Hi Sharon,
I'm sorry to hear that!
We are not affiliated with the SSA or the federal government, and as such we are not responsible for enforcing the SSA's rules and regulations.

Mon, 01/15/2018 - 14:45 Permalink
Shaneika wilson (not verified)

Can I spend my 5 year old

Can I spend my 5 year old back pay money on clothes, shoes, a bed, and a tv?

Sun, 04/01/2018 - 21:25 Permalink

In reply to by Shaneika wilson (not verified)

Hi There,

Hi There,

Yes you can, but make sure to keep all receipts and records from those payments.

Mon, 04/02/2018 - 16:41 Permalink
Judy (not verified)

If you’re out of work because

If you’re out of work because of a heart attack and have to have open heart surgery can you get disability in the state of Iowa?

Mon, 08/17/2020 - 22:45 Permalink

In reply to by Judy (not verified)

Hi Judy,

Hi Judy,

A heart attack and surgery won't qualify you for disability benefits themselves. But you can look over the Blue Book, specifically Section 4.00 to see if qualify based on what caused your heart attack.

Fri, 08/21/2020 - 15:04 Permalink

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