Social Security Disability Benefits Fraud

Submitted by Daniel on

Social Security Disability is a great benefit to those who truly need assistance due to a severe medical condition that prevents them from working for at least a year. However, sometimes people violate the law and fabricate a medical condition. Detecting a fraud in the Social Security system is a challenging process, but it is one that is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of the program. Determining whether someone is trying to take advantage of the system can be a difficult task, so before reporting an alleged fraud, consider the long journey ahead and all that goes into pinpointing fraudulent activity.

If you suspect someone is violating the law and is, in fact, fraudulently collecting disability benefits:

  • You need to know the reason why the person has been approved for benefits. If you are unable to determine this, research will need to be conducted to determine the truth before accusations are made.
  • You need to be aware that even though you see this person, you may not fully understand how the person’s impairment causes difficulties in daily living.
  • Some people receiving Social Security Disability suffer from mental or psychological disorders; these are not often easy to pinpoint as an outsider, and it may be difficult to judge how these conditions could interrupt the daily activities.

Typically you would have to know someone quite well in order to determine whether or not he or she is taking advantage of the system. Making strong accusations about someone receiving disability benefits is touchy ground, and something that you would not want to do lightly. When in doubt, do not be afraid to ask questions and look into the actions of the person. This can greatly help you determine where the truth lies. If you do still truly suspect someone of committing a fraudulent act, you should consider reporting that individual.

  • You should begin by contacting the toll-free Social Security Administration Fraud Hotline at (800) 269-0271.
  • Remember to provide as much information as you can. This includes the name, address, birth date, phone numbers, and Social Security number (if you know it) of the person suspected of committing fraud. The more information you provide, the sooner the investigation can begin. You should explain in detail to the SSA exactly in what type of fraudulent activity that you suspect this person to be involved.
  • Do not report anything that you do not know for sure. There are penalties for reporting false information, so stick with the facts.
  • Be certain that you understand the situation surrounding the person’s disability. Work may complicate the person’s condition more than you know. Some people are unable to work because they have to be medicated frequently throughout the day. There are also many individuals on disability who have to make trips to the hospital on a weekly or even daily basis. Other individuals may suffer from a psychological or mental condition that makes them appear quite normal, but they may, in reality, be struggling deeply on the inside. You must be fully aware of their circumstances to be able to judge if they are fraudulently collecting benefits.
  • If you feel uncomfortable telephoning regarding your concerns, you can complete an online fraud reporting form, or mail in your findings to the Fraud Hotline at:

Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17768
Baltimore, Maryland 21235

When working properly, the Social Security Disability program is a wonderful asset. To those individuals suffering and unable to work, or even waiting out the last stage of their lives, it is often a much-needed benefit. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of a good thing and use it improperly, as is the case with fraudulent behavior. While reporting this kind of activity is important, it is also a serious leap to take. Before you report your suspicions, you should realize that the most important thing is to know all the facts, and to move forward only if you are certain you have a definite case of fraudulent conduct.

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Blog comments


In reply to by Rachel (not verified)

Hi there,

Hi there,
I would contact the local police if someone is threatening violence against you.

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:12 Permalink
Sheryl (not verified)

I know a mother who draws a

I know a mother who draws a check on her daughter but her daughter dies not live with her and hasn't for two years. The mother pays her rent and get boyfriends fines and gives nothing to help with her daughter is this right

Sun, 05/28/2017 - 15:05 Permalink

In reply to by Sheryl (not verified)

Hi Sheryl,

Hi Sheryl,

If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA and leave a report with them. 1-800-772-1213.


Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:12 Permalink

In reply to by Sheryl (not verified)

Hi there,

Hi there,
You may want to contact the SSA regarding this, they can have a new payee assigned for the daughter.

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:14 Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

What if the fraud involves

What if the fraud involves property that they shouldn't be receiving income from. And he has this "barter" system w the landlord to also avoid the irs.

Mon, 05/29/2017 - 17:27 Permalink
Anonymous (not verified)

Also this person should not

Also this person should not be working but I have tons of video of him making the injury worse

Mon, 05/29/2017 - 17:28 Permalink

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)



That may constitute as fraud. If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA and leave a report with them. 1-800-772-1213.


Tue, 05/30/2017 - 09:11 Permalink
Karl (not verified)

My ex GF is 100% disabled as

My ex GF is 100% disabled as rated by SSDI. Her disability is for MS that she was diagnosed with when she was 18, she is now 44, however, in living with her I witnessed her making over $300,000 through trading activities and another $60,000 in rental income. Is it fraudulent to claim to be 100% disabled yet make over 400K a year? It really doesn't seem fair.

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 14:24 Permalink

In reply to by Karl (not verified)

Hi Karl,

Hi Karl,
It would depend on what she is doing to gain income while on SSDI benefits, as benefits are based on work record for SSDI and not income, it would be possible to own a business or rental property without that income being proof of working ability.

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 16:31 Permalink
Haneefah (not verified)

I know of a couple who is

I know of a couple who is married living in the same house, receiving social security benefits, and saying that they are room mates. How do I report them?

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 19:02 Permalink

In reply to by Haneefah (not verified)

Hi there,

Hi there,
You can send the information to the SSA here:
Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17768
Baltimore, Maryland 21235

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 10:22 Permalink
Terri (not verified)

Hi I wanted to know what the

Hi I wanted to know what the guide lines are for people on disability who act out. I have had a huge problem with some one who continues to play loud tv sometimes from 9am until 2am. The noise seeps into the building I reside at. The noise is easily heard out side. I have also been harassed by this person and His mother for complaining to the police; Sworn at, stuff thrown on property, etc, This person who claims to have a hearing issue (drives a car) and also sits around all day.. with the loud tv playing! This is in a residential working class neigborhood. I have to work to pay rent and when I come home, am home, I deserve quiet! Never, the , less, this person chooses not use head phones. They have been asked to keep the tv down too many times. ( And it is not that easy for me to just pick up and move as I am low income and can not find an affordable place that is close to jobs at this time.) I had also brought this to court. I was told to continue to call the police. Something is wrong with-n a system that allows that kind of behavior at others expense. Please do something!

Tue, 05/30/2017 - 20:24 Permalink

In reply to by Terri (not verified)

HI Terri,

HI Terri,
We are not affiliated with the SSA or the federal government, so we really don't have the authority to take action in this case. Additionally, this may not be an issue that the SSA would be able to deal with as this relates to this person's behavior, which while obnoxious to say the least, isn't something that the SSA would have any jurisdiction over.

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 10:21 Permalink
Joyce (not verified)

What if its like 4 people

What if its like 4 people living together with false addresses all collecting a check and buying drugs and such and not reporting it

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 02:47 Permalink

In reply to by Joyce (not verified)

Hi Joyce,

Hi Joyce,
You may want to contact the SSA to report this, you can do so by calling them at (800) 269-0271 or by sending the information to:
Social Security Fraud Hotline
P.O. Box 17768
Baltimore, Maryland 21235

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 10:22 Permalink
lena (not verified)

what if the person is using

what if the person is using their childerns SS funds but the children don't reside with her? is she commiting fraud? she has a ligitament reson for being on it but is using false information on her kids to recv the max she can from what I understand and she does not pay child support.

Thu, 06/01/2017 - 10:29 Permalink

In reply to by lena (not verified)

Hi Lena,

Hi Lena,

If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA and leave a report 1-800-772-1213.

Best of Luck,

Thu, 06/01/2017 - 15:45 Permalink
rielly conrad (not verified)

someone I know is taking

someone I know is taking their daughters social security every month for about a year. her mom died and that's what the money is from. hes been claiming her and is stealing her money. what can she do as a minor? she doesn't live with him, and hasn't for about a year

Thu, 06/01/2017 - 15:15 Permalink

In reply to by rielly conrad (not verified)

HI Reilly,

HI Reilly,

That could be considered fraud. You might want to contact the SSA regarding this 1-800-772-1213.

Best of Luck,

Thu, 06/01/2017 - 15:43 Permalink
Rosie Amador (not verified)

My x husband receives

My x husband receives benefits for my twin daughters that are 13. We been separated since 2007 but he receives benefits I have a letter that says he does , what do I need to do ?

Thu, 06/01/2017 - 21:53 Permalink

In reply to by Rosie Amador (not verified)

Hi Rosie,

Hi Rosie,
You may want to contact the SSA, if your ex husband is receiving benefits on behalf of your children, you may be able to have their representative payee reassigned.

Fri, 06/02/2017 - 11:24 Permalink
Annie (not verified)

I have a neighbor who is on

I have a neighbor who is on SS disability and receives medicare. She claims she cannot work because her back is so bad; however, she is able to carry bags of top soil and mulch from her truck to the back of her house. She can shovel snow and work in her flower and vegetable gardens with no problems. She helped a neighbor unload bags of mulch and helped spread it. She has 2 dogs and has no problems throwing a frisbee for the dogs to fetch. Is this behavior indicative of fraud? Seems to me if she can do all of the above she should be able to work.

Sat, 06/03/2017 - 15:26 Permalink

In reply to by Annie (not verified)

Hi Annie,

Hi Annie,

That could be considered fraud. You can call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 and leave a report with them.

Best Wishes,

Mon, 06/05/2017 - 16:49 Permalink
Teresa Dumerauf (not verified)

Is fraud commited when a

Is fraud commited when a woman is applying for SS Disability and her father is giving her $2500 a month? The check is sent in the husbands name and not reported by her or the father. I thought any gift over $14,000 was to be reported let alone $30,000 a year.

Sat, 06/03/2017 - 17:56 Permalink

In reply to by Teresa Dumerauf (not verified)

Hi Teresa,

Hi Teresa,
That may not be considered fraud if this person is receiving benefits based on their work record, as those do not have the income restrictions that SSI benefits have.

Mon, 06/05/2017 - 10:22 Permalink
Amazedbythenerve (not verified)

I know someone currently who

I know someone currently who is and has been applying for disability for about 6 years and it's finally set to get a court date however they're faking they have some minor issues but everything they say has been a lie because they don't want to work does person does have some minor issues but nothing that would keep her from working long term pretty much a victim of her own demise from drug abuse her whole life and now won't leave her tiny bedroom because she says that disability workers are watching her to make sure she really is disabled so does nothing and she's perfectly capable of it just so she can get away with it it really makes me f****** sick but also she is certifiably crazy in her head but I've seen her medical reports she showed me them herself and there are no diagnosis that she claims to suffer from is this technically fraud since she has not been awarded disability I mean what should I do here?

Sun, 06/04/2017 - 19:50 Permalink

In reply to by Amazedbythenerve (not verified)



I am sorry to hear that. You can call the SSA directly and leave a report for fraud. 1-800-772-1213.

Best Wishes,

Mon, 06/05/2017 - 16:51 Permalink
Raymond Reinke (not verified)

My roommate tells me that his

My roommate tells me that his sister Tina is holding 250,000 of his money. I don't think that Social security knows about it. I don't think that he has ADHD. I think that he has a serious drug addiction and his Guardian is not doing anything to help him.

Tue, 06/06/2017 - 04:14 Permalink

In reply to by Raymond Reinke (not verified)

Hi Raymond,

Hi Raymond,
You may want to contact the SSA regarding this, they can re-assign his payee to someone who would use the funds for his benefit.

Tue, 06/06/2017 - 09:57 Permalink
Samantha (not verified)

I know a woman whom recieves

I know a woman whom recieves diability, food stamps and medical card.
Her and her husband own 3 homes wich she does not claim as assets on her disbility. 2 new cars, Plus her husband makes 3500$ a month threw his retirement. They also recieved a government grant of 80,000$ she didnt tell disability about. This is so much fraud its insane! I want to turn them in. They are screwing with the state when there are so many in genuine need.

Tue, 06/06/2017 - 22:44 Permalink

In reply to by Samantha (not verified)

Hi Samantha,

Hi Samantha,
You can call the SSA directly and leave a report for fraud. 1-800-772-1213.

Wed, 06/07/2017 - 15:55 Permalink
Tana (not verified)

So what if someone who is

So what if someone who is getting a check was working and got married but hasn't reported either. How do you report that??

Wed, 06/07/2017 - 10:19 Permalink

In reply to by Tana (not verified)

Hi Tana,

Hi Tana,

You can call the SSA directly and leave a report for fraud. 1-800-772-1213.

Best Wishes,

Wed, 06/07/2017 - 15:54 Permalink
Vic (not verified)

I know someone who receives

I know someone who receives full disability. Got kicked out of her pain management for meth in system. And works cleaning houses for cash. Isn't that illeagle?

Thu, 06/08/2017 - 07:40 Permalink

In reply to by Vic (not verified)

Hi Vic,

Hi Vic,

If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA directly and leave a report with them: 1-800-772-1213.


Thu, 06/08/2017 - 16:31 Permalink
Nome king (not verified)

They are on drugs and using

They are on drugs and using SS Disability benefits to fund this activity. These people should have to take a random drug test to keep their benefits. How can someone be blind but don't wear glasses and drive all night smoking crack cocaine your agency is really hurting these individuals and using my tax money to create the fraud.

Fri, 06/09/2017 - 03:51 Permalink

In reply to by Nome king (not verified)

Hi Nome,

Hi Nome,
We are not affiliated with the SSA or the federal government. You may want to contact the SSA's fraud and abuse line at (800) 269-0271.

Fri, 06/09/2017 - 09:47 Permalink
John (not verified)

My neighbor claims she is

My neighbor claims she is fully disabled. She gardens, cuts grass, and does all kinds of strenuous tasks. She is ready to open here own business. If you cant work for anyone else because you are fully disabled then how can you open a business and run it. Sounds like disability fraud and soon to be tax fraud. I would not be complaining about it but I WORK FIR A LIVING.

Fri, 06/09/2017 - 10:28 Permalink

In reply to by John (not verified)

Hi John,

Hi John,

If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA directly and leave a report with them: 1-800-772-1213.


Fri, 06/09/2017 - 14:01 Permalink
Friend (not verified)

I have a friend whose

I have a friend whose boyfriend is totally able-bodied, but he lied and said that he had bipolar depression and couldn't work. Somehow he got doctors to agree and he got approved for disability. He is constantly running around with friends all over town and when he is home, beats my friend, verbally abuses her as well and sponges off of her. He is a drug addict that constantly pops pills. He told my friend that he loves drugs and he will never quit and he doesn't care if he dies from it. He is abusing the system and meanwhile, people I know that truly deserve disability get rejected for it. It pisses me off so badly!

Fri, 06/09/2017 - 12:52 Permalink

In reply to by Friend (not verified)

If you suspect fraud you can

If you suspect fraud you can call the SSA directly and leave a report with them: 1-800-772-1213.


Fri, 06/09/2017 - 14:01 Permalink
S (not verified)

I know someone who has there

I know someone who has there own business making 60,000 + a year and is collecting benefits for depression issues they cover up the money by having it go into one of there children's accounts, but these deposits can be traced back to the business and person owning. Are they committing fraud?

Fri, 06/09/2017 - 18:35 Permalink
Vicki (not verified)

I have a question...I know a

I have a question...I know a family and been know them for over 20years. On May the 8th or the 10th she starting moving her clothes out and a lady that suppose8 to be her sister in law .

In which she and her son mentioned many of time that the other side of their family don't want to have anything to do with her or him...

BUT, it's funny cause she is her son benefited of his money and to leave him homeless and hungry on the street. Refused to give him his check and links...

On May 31th she came back with this lady and some man brought her back to get the rest of her stuff and still getting get him . Telling peoples that she don't care what happen to him and don't care how he eat as well. Spend his money from his check and links.

There's more but for now I'm stopping here to get ANSWER about what can I do to help him at this point!!!

Thank You for listening..

Sat, 06/10/2017 - 09:43 Permalink

In reply to by Vicki (not verified)

HI Vicki,

HI Vicki,
You may want to contact the SSA regarding this, they can re-assign the son's payee to someone who would use those benefits for his care. You can get in touch with them at 1-800-772-1213

Mon, 06/12/2017 - 12:31 Permalink
Shirley (not verified)

Question. What happen if a

Question. What happen if a person who is not owner of a house sign for owner an other party submit rent receipt to you but. never ever paid rent. to owner. Also, if ione received large sum of money not report it. Also, owner of house an rent.

Mon, 06/12/2017 - 08:52 Permalink

In reply to by Shirley (not verified)

Hi Shirley,

Hi Shirley,
You may want to contact your local housing authority about this.

Mon, 06/12/2017 - 12:33 Permalink
Other one (not verified)

Do gambling winnings count as

Do gambling winnings count as an income? Over 125k winnings in 6 months. Monthly Disability payments are recieved and Medicare

Mon, 06/12/2017 - 15:47 Permalink

In reply to by Other one (not verified)



Wow! Impressive! Earnings won by gambling won't affect your SSDI benefits, you may have to report it though for your medicare.

Best of Luck (Though it's clear you have plenty of it),

Mon, 06/12/2017 - 16:55 Permalink
Jennifer (not verified)

I know someone very well who

I know someone very well who is on full disability however he/she its able to shop, dine, frequent bars and pubs on a very regular if not daily basis. Is this fraud? this person also sells his/her pain medication (every filled prescription he/she receives).

Tue, 06/13/2017 - 12:58 Permalink

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