I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?
In reply to I collect disability by Lynn (not verified)
Hi Lynn,
Those reasons alone won't cause you to lose your SSI. The most common reasons for losing SSI are: going above the SGA limit, going back to work and changes in living situation, such as getting married, entering a nursing home etc.
My son receives SSD due to he's disabled he's autistic he's 5. My husband and I r separated going thru a divorce hopefully soon and my sons money gets deposited in my account monthly. Now I give my sons father half that money. Everyone tells me I'm crazy! I have done it since he's been getting it which hasn't been long but we share them it's always been mutual nothing thru the courts but they obviously have my address. Should I need to be doing this? Please help!
In reply to My son receives SSD due to he by Melissa (not verified)
Hi Melissa,
In situations like this, it may be a good idea to have a formal agreement with your ex regarding how you divide and use your son's SSI payments.
Now that the age limit for child support has increased to 19 in NJ, will I get the auxillary SSDI check that is in lieu of child support from my ex. Will I continue to get the benefit paid through SSDI until she is 19 or will that end when she graduates HS. Do I have to file a motion with the courts to continue the benefit?
In reply to Now that the age limit for by Noelle (not verified)
Hi Noelle,
The SSA may end benefits at that age regardless of New Jersey's laws on child support obligations.
My wife is going for her Social Security disability. I have 2 children from a previous marriage. Are they eligible for benefits?
In reply to My wife is going for her by Michael (not verified)
Hi Michael,
Your stepchildren may be able to do so, however you'd want to contact the SSA as it may depend on a few factors that they'd be able to go over with you.
My husband & I have custody of our 3 grandchildren and their mother, our daughter, is on SSI & SSDI. Will these children be able to receive money from the SSDI portion of what she receives? Is that the auxiliary benefits that I read about? How would we apply for the auxiliary benefits for each child?
In reply to Bryan, by Colleen (not verified)
HI there,
You may want to contact the SSA regarding this, you can do so by calling them at 1-800-772-1213.
In reply to HI there, by Bryan
Will do! Thank you Bryan
I was approve for ssd, my 3 kids are on my application.they will be getting benefits any day now .I'm legally still married but don't live with them .what account will my kids benefits go into
In reply to I was approve for ssd, my 3 by jay (not verified)
Hi Jay,
I can't say for sure, but I would recommend speaking to someone at the SSA regarding that.
My ex has been receiving dependent benefits for our child for at least 10 years now. I got temporary custody in March 2016 & permanent March 2017. Just received letter saying they are paying benefits back to May 2017. Shouldn't it go back to March 2016?? My ex received payments for an entire year without sending any of it to support the child or putting it away.
In reply to My ex has been receiving by Sarah (not verified)
Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry to hear about that! You may want to contact the SSA regarding this as payees are liable for how the money is used.
In reply to Hi Sarah, by Bryan
Thank you! I have contacted them & I believe they are looking into it. But can they really do anything about that?? Hopefully they will pay back to when he actually came to live here
Will my kids who live with me full time get to draw a check off of their dad if he gets approved for his SSI? He is supposed to pay child support but I haven't never seen one dime from him.
In reply to Will my kids who live with me by Ginger (not verified)
Hi Ginger,
They could qualify for auxiliary benefits until they are 18.
Hi my child was receive ssi but was living with my mother which mom signed over rights...now mother took her back by force 2 months ago and have applied for check to come to her..but we just recently had custody hearing and it's 50/50 what r my options
In reply to Hi my child was receive ssi by James (not verified)
Hi James,
I really can't answer that question accurately. I would recommend speaking to someone at the SSA regarding that.
In reference to back pay, my son's father was denied benefits, he now has a lawyer and is appealing. He has 3 other children who are also eligible for benefits, and he owes arrears on most. Will my child (who will be 18 in January) receive retroactive payments from the date his father applied - it's been about a year now. Will they also take that amount off of his arrears, or does that remain a separate matter?
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