Qualifying children

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have children and their father has recently went for a hearing is waiting on a decision. I was told that the kids will qualify for benefits. I have several questions.
How is the amount determined?
What are the rules for the cutoff age to recieve benefits?
Do the children recieve back pay as well?
What steps if any do I need to take to set up their case?
If a child is 18 but still in high school do they qualify, and for how long?


In reply to by Kiana (not verified)

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 09:43 Permalink

Hi Kiana,
That money may be your brother's, as it was back pay that he was owed as part of your father's disability benefits.

kristin (not verified)
Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:50 Permalink

My ex husband has died. Our children received benefits from ssdi on behalf oh him and still continue to since he died. . (not sure if I worded that right) His case was under appeal before he died and was still in the appeal process. Will my children continue to receive his benefits since he died before any decision was made? Will it remain the same amount? He had a lawyer that was helping him that I have been in contact with but he doesn't seem to have an answer for me.

Val (not verified)
Tue, 09/20/2016 - 19:10 Permalink

My children received lump sum money for my from my SSDI benefits. It was very late as it is back pay from my disability in 2013. How far back can I reimburse myself for money's spent for them? Ex, ballet lessons, school fees etc.
Thank you very much.


In reply to by Val (not verified)

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 09:44 Permalink

Hi Val,
Generally SSDI recipients have leeway with what they can use their benefits for, however it may be a good idea to consult the SSA caseworker that you have been working with to make sure.

Melissa (not verified)
Tue, 09/20/2016 - 20:26 Permalink

My husband well we aren't married but been together for 11yrs can my children get a check and we just got custody of a child no relation to us can he also


In reply to by Melissa (not verified)

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 09:41 Permalink

Hi Melissa,
If you, your husband or your children have a disability, then you may be eligible for benefits. As far as the child that you have take custody of, he may be eligible for benefits if he or his parents have a disability, or if they are deceased.

Vickie (not verified)
Wed, 09/21/2016 - 15:16 Permalink

My child is 16 and receives a check because her father (my husband) is disabled. She wants a part time job to have her own spending money. Can she get a job without it effecting the money she teceives? I am the receiver of the check and we depend on it financially.


In reply to by Vickie (not verified)

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 16:58 Permalink

Hi Vickie,
If her father is receiving SSDI benefits, then she may not have an income limit to her benefits based off of his work record.

Wendy (not verified)
Thu, 09/22/2016 - 14:15 Permalink

I have been recently been awarded a favorable decision after fighting since 2013 to prove that I cannot work. It has been a constant struggle to make ends meet because we still have 5 children we are raising. When I was told via a phone call that I was finally awarded by the ALJ a fully favorable decision I almost cried with relief knowing now I would finally be able to pay all the doctors and hospitals that I have owed money to until the girl on the phone told me the judge has recommended that you have a "Representative Payee". As she was explaining what that means I became physically ill. She told me because I have a history of depression and anxiety the judge feels like someone else should manage my money. OK I have so many issues with this. How can someone who has spoke to me for maybe 15 minutes then feel he has the right to take away my money! Just because I have said history means I automatically cannot pay my own bills or decide where to spend my money? If that was the case 2/3 of Americans need to find someone else to manage their money. I am a college educated woman who has worked hard my whole life while at the same time raising 8 children. This has almost pushed me over the edge. Now I have to let some unknown person control my money, and pay them to do so. I will never have the right to decide that maybe deciding to take a vacation or spontaneously take my children out for dinner. My husband and I have already discussed the home improvements we would finally make on our home - I guess if someone approves.
I am so angry and upset that just like that they can take away my freedom. You may feel I am being overly dramatic but if you look at it close enough you will see that I will have to ask someone else for anything over what is paid out in monthly expenses. They have the right to deny/approve and I have no recourse. How have they taken my freedom. I will never be able to maybe treat my family to dinner, or buy school clothes, ice cream,baby shower gift etc... I would have to ask them for my money to do anything any other mom would do for her children. I need to know how and what I should do to get this stipulation removed from my disability payments. I have said and I honestly feel like if they do not allow me to make choices about my own money without the federal government breathing down my back then the money is just not worth it. I am not going to be held hostage by someone that doesn't know me because they have to follow government rules. Let me add that I am not an alcoholic and have never abused drugs. I don't even smoke cigarettes. I have on record an above average intellect with many years of working in a very stressful nursing job. I am a wife to one man for 33 years and we have 8 children. I have never been arrested or convicted of any crimes. I pay my taxes on time. This whole thing truly amazes me that they can just decide with the stroke of a pen to take away my freedoms. This is a program that I have paid 55,000.00 into and another 55,000.00 was paid on my behalf by my employers. This is not a handout. I will not even entertain jumping through anymore hoops like taking an absurd class to prove I can balance a checkbook etc. instead of throwing the burden of proof on me I feel like they have a legal obligation to prove that I am incompetent to handle my own finances. I believe being gainfully employed for 40 years, raising a family and having a successful nursing career should be all anyone should need to see that enforcing this is akin to legalized theft


In reply to by Wendy (not verified)

Thu, 09/22/2016 - 14:28 Permalink

Hi Wendy,
I'm sorry to hear that! However, you may be able to contact the SSA and have them remove the representative payee status, or if that is not possible, you may be able to have a trusted family member be appointed as your payee.

Julie (not verified)
Thu, 09/22/2016 - 15:34 Permalink

I adopted my grandchildren on March 3 of this year do to the death of their mother. On April 27, 2016 SSI received their money back from DCFS. I have yet to receive that money that was kept in account by DCFS Everytime I call SSI for when the payment will be released I get a different answer. Any suggestions??


In reply to by Julie (not verified)

Thu, 09/22/2016 - 15:58 Permalink

Hi Julie,
I'm sorry to hear about that.
because SSI is handled at the state level, it may be a good idea to contact your SSI caseworker regarding this, it also may be a good idea to contact the DCFS for your state as well.

Andrea Abram-C… (not verified)
Fri, 09/23/2016 - 00:38 Permalink

Me and my children applied for social security when my husband did in January 2015, but we were just now accepted September 2016. Do we get back pay from the first day we applied?


In reply to by Andrea Abram-C… (not verified)

Fri, 09/23/2016 - 09:36 Permalink

Hi Andrea,
The SSA determines back pay eligibility based on the Established Date on Onset, which is the date that the SSA determines is the earliest time that the applicant was disabled. You may want to contact the SSA to find out what the established date of onset was determined to be.

Dorie (not verified)
Sat, 09/24/2016 - 23:41 Permalink

I have a child that is disabled wit autism. That has been granted Disbilty check before her dad came back into her life. And I was wondering my child's father collects SSA I think its called but his wife gets check off of him each month... Well shouldn't his own daughter get a check each month instead of just 130$ a month... Like really people think about it! The wife deserves more or his child?


In reply to by Dorie (not verified)

Tue, 09/27/2016 - 16:36 Permalink

Hi Dorie,
Generally these types of benefits are based off of income and resources, so the payment amounts may vary based on that. If your child's father is receiving SSDI benefits based off of his work record, then you may be able to apply for benefits based off of his work record for his child.

Dorie (not verified)
Sun, 09/25/2016 - 00:21 Permalink

I have disc degenerative disease in my neck and my back. I have many bones bulging and and deteriorating. I'm bipolar 1 and manic depressive. I live on medicine for it daily. I also have a blood disorder called utter Carrie vascularized. Which attacks the blood vessel's. I constantly got hive's on my body. Due to this disorder. I'm aso medically diagnosed with bipolar 1 and manic depression on often in up are down stage there's no in between. I'm on 9 different medications and some days its hard for me to get out the bed. Its a very much of a struggle every day to get through just regular basic day to day stuff must less work.


In reply to by Dorie (not verified)

Tue, 09/27/2016 - 16:38 Permalink

Hi Dorie,
You may be eligible for benefits, but it may be a good idea to contact a disability advocate or attorney after you apply. Many times people are denied, and an advocate or attorney can help you appeal the SSA's decision. We can have one reach out to you if you fill out the form on the left, or you can go here:


Deb W. (not verified)
Sun, 09/25/2016 - 00:56 Permalink

If my grandson is adopted by his aunt and uncle will he continue to be able to receive the SS money from his fathers death. We would like to have it direct deposited to a fund for him for college.

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