I became disabled in October of 2010 and applied for SSDI. I have been treated by my doctor every week since then and have retained an attorney for my SSDI process.
I have been paying in to the Social Security system for 38 years and am 55 years old. I had been at my last job for 20 years until I had to retire in June 2012 due to my disability.
During my hearing the judge asked the Vocational Expert if I would be able to do full time work in my present position and she told the judge that I would not be able to. The judge then asked I would be able to do full time work in any position and the VE answered no, that I would not.
My doctor also provided paperwork that stated that I have a total disability and could not do any work. I also provided a letter from my former boss who I worked directly for the entire 20 years stating that I was a dependable and dedicated employee until I started missing a lot of days during the summer of 2010 due to the start up of my disability.
I just found out that my case is with a Decision Writer and would be turning the case back over to the judge in a couple of weeks.
My question is, with my work history, age, doctors treatment and findings of the Vocational Expert, what would be my chances of being rewarded benefits?
In reply to Hi Deb, by Bryan
Your welcome! My file is still with the writer. Probably another month before hearing anything, who knows. My rep said the process takes about 2 to 4 months total here anyway. Thr hearing was on 4/11/17, then it went to the writer on June 8th. Once the writer has it, it should take about a week, but currently still sitting in a pile, pending. But I call the rep and the St. Louis office every week now, or more. I am going to be evicted if I don't get some money soon, so my rep is going to send my eviction notice to the St. Louis office if it comes to that. May not make a difference, but gotta try. My local SS office said to give them a copy too, that if approved they will put a rush on it. I'm in a smaller city, this SS office isn't busy, unfortunately, my hearing was in Milwaukee which takes forever for the whole process. It's been 3 years so far since the beginning! If denied, I still need to hear so I can try to work, I'm 50, so on the edge of old, lol, and I'm an RN. Not sure if my skills are transferable, I graduated nursing school in 1994. Does anyone have any information on transferable skills, at the hearing the V.O. talked about a docking clerk job, huh? My lawyer talked the V.O. out of that position due to reaching too much because my cervical spine is a mess and my RFC reflected on limited reaching, etc.. So I guess nursing was out, I know it is but how do you take care of child and self on a clerks salary, part time, no way full time?? Anyway, thank you for any info. you can provide.
In reply to Your welcome! My file is by Debb (not verified)
Have you tried to submit a 'Dire Needs Request'? I got rid of my attorney and researched some things on my own. My Dire Needs Request got me to a hearing, within 11 months. My hearing was 6/1/17 and I just got the fully favorable judge's decision on 7/3/17. One of the standards is that there has to be a threat of impending homelessness. My lawyer hadn't told me anything about it. He knew I was in a halfway house, homeless, disabled and without ANY income. If nothing else, just look it up and see if you qualify. It gets you case expeditiously handled.
In reply to Have you tried to submit a & by Shirl (not verified)
Hi Shirl,
Thanks for sharing! It's true, a Dire Needs request can help expedite a claim if you are in dire need.
In reply to Have you tried to submit a & by Shirl (not verified)
Thank you Shirl. I thought that was for people that had extremely sever situations, including near death. So I wI'll check into this, thanks again. I think my file went from pending to being written?? Nervous!
In reply to Thank you Shirl. I thought by Deb (not verified)
Hi Deb,
Wishing you nothing but the best.
In reply to Thank you Shirl. I thought by Deb (not verified)
Hang in there Deb... i lived in a veterans shelter program in oakland for 15 months before i got my VA disability... It was a nightmare but totally deepened my belief in God. I just now finally had my SSA hearing and am waiting for the result.
In reply to Have you tried to submit a & by Shirl (not verified)
I also wanted to say congratulations! I hope you find a home, and your situation can improve. So sad that you are in a halfway home, although I'm also glad you weren't living on the streets! I cant believe my rep hasnt suggested getting a dire need also, knowing i'm going to be evicted possibly! Thanks again and God bless!
In reply to I had my hearing in atlanta by David (not verified)
David, have you received a decision yet?
In reply to David, have you received a by Jim (not verified)
After 5 months of requesting for a hearing me and my attorney appeared in court. She said it went good. But now I'm worried that I probably am going to be denied. it's been 105 days since my hearing and my file is still waiting to be assigned to a writer. It's been 15 months since my initial application and my hearing was in Nashville tn. Is there anyone on here who got approved after waiting this long for a decision after your hearing?
In reply to After 5 months of requesting by Cassey (not verified)
Hi Cassey,
I am from Alabama but had my hearing by a Judge from Franklin, TN on 08/31/17. As of 02/20/18 I still haven't received a decision. My attorney said everything went very well and felt confident I would get approved. I'm hoping to find out also how long it will be before hearing a decision. As of now it has been almost 6 months since my hearing. When I get the decision I will let you know. When you get your decision can you let me know? Thank you, Tina
In reply to I had my hearing Jan 12, 2017 by Sherry (not verified)
How long does achild ssi for a decision arepresentative told me. About october. 24 2017 for s decision
In reply to How long does achild ssi for by Leola (not verified)
Hi Leola,
Every case is different and can take varying amounts of time, so I really couldn't say. Hang in there!
In reply to I had my hearing Jan 12, 2017 by Sherry (not verified)
I had my hearing Dec Of 2016 and haven't heard anything still at alj office.
In reply to I had my hearing Dec Of 2016 by Holly (not verified)
Hi Holly,
I'm sorry to hear about that! Cases can take varying amounts of time. Hang in there!
In reply to I HAD MY DISABILITY HEARING by JAYDEE (not verified)
I had my hearing in November 2016 and the judge has just now made a decision in my case..&& I still don't know what it is! I have to wait for it to be assigned to a writer who then sends it back to the judge who will then sends it to ssa who will THEN send it to me.. so just be prepared to wait for a while..
In reply to I had my hearing in November by Jess (not verified)
Hi Jess,
I'm sorry to hear about that! Hang in there!
In reply to Hi Jess, by Bryan
I went in front of the judge in April and I'm receiving disabled child adult benefits $385 but was cut off my ssi I have been disabled for 25 years the judge said the is most strange case he has seen and said he want me to go and have my iq test done and psychological evaluation and I have what's my chance on get my benefits back it's been 2@half years just to get in front of judge and now waiting over 60 days for decision please help
In reply to I went in front of the judge by Jesse (not verified)
Hi Jesse,
I cannot say for sure, since every case varies. Wishing you nothing but the best.
In reply to I had my hearing in November by Jess (not verified)
I'm in the same boat. Had my hearing sept 2016, and I called last week they said decision was made and sent to writers on may 21. They said 4-8 weeks
In reply to I'm in the same boat. by Christine (not verified)
Hi Christine,
I'm sorry to hear about that! Hang in there!
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