I recieved my award letter letting me know. $558.00 will go to child support and I will get $300.00 a month to live on. I also was awarded back pay from March 2014. But was told July 2014 would be the back pay date.
I recieved my award letter letting me know. $558.00 will go to child support and I will get $300.00 a month to live on. I also was awarded back pay from March 2014. But was told July 2014 would be the back pay date.
Hi there,
Someone may have erroneously factored in the five month waiting period for back pay, it may be either july or march depending on the SSA's Established Onset Date.
Hello, my kids father is on disability now, he is behind on child support. Since he is on disability does that now mean he does not pay child support. Ok he says they will get something from him. but what about the support that he did not pay and they years to come. Our twins just turned 7.
In reply to Hello, my kids father is on by feeling left out (not verified)
Hi there,
Generally child support is not able to be garnished from SSI or SSDI income.
In reply to Hi there, by Bryan
I believe that child support can be garnished from disability ssdi because everything I have read in .gov says it can, and they are doing it to me right now. They took money from my lump sum back payment to the tune of $4,880.00 for past child support and are garnishing the monthly payment from my check. Problem....I am current on child support and have never owed back child support. And now DHS doesn't want to let go of the money and all SSA says is to talk with the judge. The court ordered amount is clearly written and they agree that I am paid up and current and never been late or missed any payments. Yet the SSA turns a blind Eye and DHS acts like I am a thief for trying to get my money.
Oh well. Two sets of rules I guess....
In reply to Hello, my kids father is on by feeling left out (not verified)
Feeling left out: What I have been reading if your children's father owe's on past child support you have to go to court, prove it and then obtain a court order and then the money will be removed from his SSI check. But you need an order to do this. Your children's father can also modify the court's order to a lower amount. My ex husband owes me over 5k and I'm in court waiting for the day, they will garnish the money once I receive an order from the court. But, your children should also receive a check from social security disability. But this is in no way the same as child support. You may not get current child support, but will get for money owed in the past. some links to read.
Hello, I'm my son's representative payee for his father benefits I've already had my interview on 8/2/16 and got my award letter on 8/10/16 but it says my son benefits don't start till 12/14/16 and it doesn't say nothing about back pay I don't know when his father benefits started because we don't talk the reason why SSA found out about me is because I went to child support enforcement and told them I think he is on SSDI last year and they found out this year he was approved why I've have to wait so long and why they don't mention nothing about my son back pay?
In reply to Hello, I'm my son's by ttlilbit (not verified)
Hi there,
your child may not be eligible for back pay because the father was also not eligible for it.
In reply to Hello, I'm my son's by ttlilbit (not verified)
If you ex husband didn't list the child on his SSDI application, the child is not entitled to SSDI back pay. The child not being eligible for back pay does not mean that his father did not receive it.
In reply to If you ex husband didn't by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
This is slightly accurate, the child may still be eligible for benefits even if the father did not list them on the application, it is possible for the children to apply after the initial application.
In reply to If you ex husband didn't by Anonymous (not verified)
Hi there,
This is slightly accurate, the child may still be eligible for benefits even if the father did not list them on the application, it is possible for the children to apply after the initial application.
Hi--I have been married for 8 years and I have a 12 year old with my husband who receives SSDI- he wants a divorce --am I still eligible to receive SSDI as his ex- and will our child too?
In reply to Hi--I have been married for 8 by Jean (not verified)
Hi Jean,
Yes, you both will receive benefits. Your child will get benefits until he is 18, and you will receive them until your son is 16. Because you haven't been married for 10 years, you will not qualify for benefits under his account once you're 62.
I just applyed for child support for my 2 yr old son and i was denied because they say his father recieves SSI. Can i get SSI for my son through his father and how do i apply?
In reply to I just applyed for child by Eunise (not verified)
Hi Eunise,
Your child may not be eligible for SSI through his father as SSI does not offer benefits for family members.
My situation is a little complex so i will try and condense it. I am a 60 plus recipient of permanent ssdi due to multiple injuries. I reside in California and have a 50/50 custody agreement for my minor son (9 years old) who is receiving a residual of my ssdi. My problem is this the mother of my child who is employed and has been ordered by the courts to pay me child support. At this time she has and has continuously changed the assigned payee to herself, to which we agreed to share our sons ssdi. That being said the courts have given her credit by sharing half of my sons ssdi with me as credit towards her child support obligation. Based upon my limited understanding of the process it seems to me that by her being the assigned payee to my sons portion of my ssdi she not only is benefiting (her child support obligation has been fulfilled) from the ssdi but causing us great financial burdens to me and my son.... after a meeting with my local ssi office they understood the ramifications and made me the assigned payee to my sons ssdi only to have her go back and change it 4 months later? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
In reply to My situation is a little by Desmond Danna (not verified)
Hi Desmond,
You may want to consult California law regarding child support and disability payments, as it might be better able to help define any obligations you may have under the laws.
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