Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

? can I apply for SSDI while on extended paid sick leave/Retirement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

husband went out on "long term sick" which he will get paid for approx 5 months. Also age 60 & is eligible for his State retirement pension. He has 2 severe knees & afraid of replacements (longer story) He cannot continue to do duties of correction officer safely. can you be on paid leave/retirement pension & apply for disability. If he were healthy would work until at least age 62


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Is SSDI not Social Security Disability Insurance? I ask because I receive Disability but still have no health insurance. I tried for SSI but was given so much red tape it wore me out. Also, the agent was going back two YEARS into my banking account which I didn't understand for I did apply back then. He was drilling me about where this particular amount of monies came from, how I spent it, who I loaned money to, and how they were paying me back or were due to pay me back. I felt like I was at the IRS. But I desperately need health insurance.

Maximum Family Benefit

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I presently collect 880$ per month disability. I recently adopted my granddaughter. I've read on line she should collect $440. 50% of what I collect unless we go over the maximum family benefit amount. How is that determined? What would be my maximum family benefit amount be ? Thank you

Grid Rules

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am 51, I was 49 when I applied for SSDI. The last 15 years I have worked as a sales associate, sewing machine operator, and in a factory as an assembler. I am wondering if the grid rules will apply and help my case. My physical ailment is I have a rare disease in both my feet (I have had surgery on the left foot twice and once on my right foot) I also have plantar fasciitis in both feet and I cannot walk or stand very long at all without having to sit. I also use my bum left foot to work the pedal on a sewing machine so I cannot do that job any more.

Is it possible to win without an RFC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Most of my records are from a free clinic as I don't have insurance anymore. They won't do an RFC and really don't know much about my physical impairments as do my foot doctor and my hand doctor. The free clinic mostly has treated me for my mental issues since I lost my insurance. Is it possible to win SSDI without an RFC?

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