Supplemental Security Income (SSI)


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I was currently receiving disability insurance do to a back injury and after a year my cased settled. I just received my last payment according to my statement and was never release by my doctor. I also just received my Physician/Practitioners Supplementary Certificate. if I was never released by my doctor put yet my case is closed, what do I do to continue to get an income since I'm currently not working.

Any new requirements for veteran's pension to qualify for ssi?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

SS has requested that I apply for vet. pension inorder to qualify for ssi.

I have been receiving ssi for over 10 years, and I believe that I qualified by age.

But now I have to request vet. pension inorder to satisfy requirement of ssi application.

I have almost 8 years in military and really do not want to take any resources from our veterans.

Any ideas what SS is doing? thank you

Spending SSI money

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My son is 18 and we now charge him a flat rate rent fee as we were advised. His money id direct deposited and then there is an automatic transfer to our account for this fee. We pay for all of his everyday living expenses. He now has "extra" money left in his account each month. Can this be used for his vacation? Can he tithe?
We also know we have to keep track of the spending of this "extra" money but have been told mostly for large purchases. Do I have to really keep receipts for every little thing, say a shirt here and a movie pass there? that would drive anyone crazy to do that.

Milking the system.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My boyfriend's soon to be ex wife has custody of their 2 children. he is the payee, all of his information is still being used even though he moved out. She just bought a car on the 1st with the SSI check. She is also receiving foodshare and badger care but hasnt reported that he has moved out or that she just started working again. Whag can be done?

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