Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Child of a disabled parent

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I'm the child of a disabled parent who recieves HUD and SSI benefits. Since I graduated I've been paying half of the rent and utilities, and my income is figured into the house's income (which apart from what I get from my job is entirely government support.) This creates a situation where I am unable to earn too much money without my parent losing benefits, or potentially being cut out of housing assistance entirely. It puts me in a tricky spot, because I'm trying to save money to move out on my own.

My wife and I separated she collects ssi for our son but he lives with me now. Is that fraud?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My wife and I separated October 2014 because she is an alcoholic. The kids decided they wanted to come live with me after she left them on the side of the road and drove off. My sister had to come get them till I was able to get there. My wife has been collecting ssi for our son for many years now. She has been collecting it and even reapplied for it this year but she no longer has the kids with her. She won't alow me to have access to that money to help pay for my sons needs. She uses it to pay her rent. What do I do?


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Recently had a re-certification interview. Nothing about my disability, living situation, etc. had changed so I still qualify for SSI disability. Or so I thought.

SSA looked at the balance of my checking account for the first day of the each month for the past 2 years. I usually carried a balance of approximately $1500 in the account during the month.

Unfair system

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My daughter lost her SSI last month, I did not appeal because I feel as though, I still wouldn't have received a fair judgement. I know several men, who brag about getting SSI, but they are still working under the table and living comfortably and not having to work. They don't even report the extra income, and get paid under the table, so it doesn't show up as taxes. If they can work under the table, what is stopping them from working just like me, for their income. Money is taken out of my check everytime, for them to sit on their butts and not do nothing and continue to get free money.

Functionality Report Tips

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am applying for SSI and received a Function Report to fill out.

The form is available in PDF:

Does anyone have any tips on how I should answer specific questions? (Other than truthfully, etc)

On most of the questions, I can't complete most of the tasks I've listed on a constant daily basis, but I am able to do them occasionally. Like housework, I may be able to do it a few days a month, then be unable to do the tasks for the remainder of the month.

Use of back dated SSI

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My son was finally approved for SSI after a years time. We were told he will be receiving a lump sum check shortly in addition to a monthly check. The office states that the lump sum can only be used for certain things. Do you know what that is? What will we be able to use this money for? I am completely confused here.

SSI for widow..

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


I'm trying to get some answers regarding my mother's SSI benefits after my father passed away a couple of years ago. Social Security has threatened to stop spousal SSI payments because she still has an income. She is beyond 65 and is still working. Also how does receiving an inheritance affect SSI benefits my mother receives?

Thank You

How do I tell if wife is eligible for SSDI or SSI?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My wife was diagnosed with M.S. 3 years ago. She just applied on the phone with SS a month ago. She just received a denial letter today. There are stacks of records of where she goes to a neurologist monthly, has had multiple MRIs that show lots of lesions. She hurts all over, can hardly get around without a walker. With tons of proof of her condition, how can she get denied? I've heard that everyone is denied the first time, like it's done automatically.

It's not right that she should have to get a lawyer and give away 25% of benefits for a clear-cut, no arguing case.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!