Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Holding Property in Trust

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Can property be held in trust for someone on SSI without it affecting their SSI monthly income? For example, my mom passed away in 2106 and left her house to 4 siblings. Two of the siblings are co-executors and the value of the house is out right theirs. The other two siblings the house is being held in trust on which these same two siblings both happen to be on SSI. Can the two on SSI, hold property in trust in their names without it affecting their SSI monthly income?

SSI benefits

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

hi, I am receiving an SSI , it is direct deposit to my bank , I pay my share of rent to my brother and his bank account is link to my bank account . Is my benefits be affected for having my brothers own bank account link to mine?

Ssi lump sum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hello, Can you guys help me with something please? I have a set of twins who were born 1 pound each and both receive SSI. Both babies got the 30$ every month until discharg, they recieved the full 735$. Daughter 1 was in nicu for 3 months and recieved back pay/lump sum upon discharge. However, daughter 2 was in nicu/picu for a year and never recieved any lump sum at all. I was told and read everywhere that all babies do receive the full amount of they still qualify after discharge. Both babies do actually qualify. When I mentioned it to our ssi caseworker she kind of just blew it off.

SSI stopped but not eligible for SSDI

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What do you do if you are disabled but because of a spouses income your SSI is stopped but you are not eligible for SSDI??? I cannot afford insurance and cannot actually obtain any kind of medical or life insurance due to my life threatening preexisting conditions. Not to mention I will not be able to pay my bills, especially medications.

Student Residence vs Home Residence - Which to report?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am a student and lease a room in Santa Barbara year round while attending school. When I am not there I live in my family's home in Sacramento. The problem is my health care is with Kaiser north and I want my Sacramento address to be my address of record so that Medical will cover me in Sacramento. SSI says my Medical gets designated to the county I live in. My problem is I want my address of record to be Sacramento and my residence where I pay rent to be Santa Barbara. Any ideas on how to do this with SSI?

SSI appointments

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am 65 just started getting SSI. How often can I expect to be monitored to check my status by SSA? I have read it can be anywhere from 1 to every 6 years and it can be by phone, mail or physical appointment. What is most likely? I live in the middle of nowhere and far from a SSA office. I don't drive? Thank you...

Effect of inheritance of land overseas on SSI & medicaid

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am 66 years old male on SSI. I have the medicare and Medicaid. I will inherit a land overseas that worth $28,000. It is hard to sell and might take years. I don't want the inheritance, because If I accept it, I might lose my Medicaid and SSI. I have glaucoma in one eye, and eye stroke in the other eye that needs monthly treatment which cost $3,800. If I lose my medicaid I can't afford the treatment. What can be done so I won't lose my Medicaid and SSI?

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