Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

back pay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I received my 1st installment of $2199.00 in October 2016, then the 2nd one (2199) in April. Should I get my last one in October? Will it be at the beginning of the month?

SSI wants utility receipts for backpay?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I was just approved for SSI and have been told I'll only receive $486 a month. Does this include my backpay? SSA has questions about how I have been paying utilities. I have been selling everything I own on Craigslist and Ebay just to try and keep the lights on. They want receipts for everything. I have my Paypal receipts from Ebay, but nothing from Craigslist, as those were cash transactions. Should I try and provide SSA with the receipts I have, or just suck it up and accept the reduced backpay? Will providing receipts hurt me in any way?


Mom/Son get SSI

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My son is 10 years old and gets SSI because of his ADHD/ODD. I get SSI because I have spina bifida and depression. Recently, I was diagnosed ADHD/PTSD as well. Together, we get about $1200 a month and I have approximately $700 in bills (NOT including gas or food which is another $300). My ENTIRE SSI amount goes to bills and if you're wondering, yes I am on housing and SNAP. My SNAP, however, is a mere $25. I keep being told that my son's SSI is for him and ONLY him, so if all my SSI goes to bills I guess that means I can't eat?

I am currently my nephews rep payee however I with to discontinue as his rep payee

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My father and mother have recently take a turn for the worse health wise and I can knowlonger be involved in both situations I need someone alse to take over, but their is know one stepping up to replace me, I heard that the ssi can assign a social worker to do it is this true. If so haw do i start this process of tranfering the managment back.
thanks Melanie B.

Multiple houses and SSI?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

1) Can a third-party SNT that is not considered a resource of the beneficiary by SSI hold title to multiple houses, none of which the beneficiary is living in, without affecting the beneficiary's SSI?

2) If a third-party SNT that is not considered a resource of the beneficiary by SSI holds title to multiple houses, none of which the beneficiary is living in, are administrative expenses like utilities and property taxes at those houses still considered to be "shelter" expenses for SSI purposes even though none of the houses are the beneficiary's primary residence?

Simple reinstatement of ssi benefits turned into a nightmare

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

To make a long story short, Iam a disabled person with mental disabilities w several diagnosis.I was awarded both my ssi and soc sec.benefits (2)checks a mo.i qualified for ssi because i didnt have enough work credits when i became i was receiving both ssi and soc sec along w medicaid and medicare.for approx.5 years 2003-2008..up until the point where i entered an institution for period of longer than 11months..6 yrs to be exact.

adult child disability

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have been receiving SSI for the past 20 years and unable to work. 6 years ago it was discovered that much of this was due to a genetic disorder, Ehlers Danlos syndrome which I was born with. Although I worked prior to receiving disability, I never did achieve SGA due to ongoing physical problems which are now known to be due to the EDS. I think that I am technically eligible for adult child benefits, but the severity of my condition prior to age 22 would be hard to prove. I have been hesitant to pursue this now.

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