Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI Disabled Adult Living with Parents/ Paying "Fair Share"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I've been receiving full SSI Disability for the past 5 yrs, while living in my own apartment/paying all my own bills. I have now moved back in with my parents and I need to know how much I have to pay for my fair share in order to continue receiving full benefits?

From research I've gathered online, I've read that it's calculated by adding up the total monthly household expenses and dividing by the # of people in the home. I understand this includes rent, mortgage, gas, electricity, water, food etc.

Would i qualify? About what kind of monthly payment would I receive if so?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Married, 3 children under 18. I have no income. Husband makes about $3120 each month, gross wages. One, 2001 model vehicle. No other assets. If I would qualify for SSI (not enough credits for the disability), how much of a monthly payment could I expect?

Turned 62 . Things Are About to Change . Fretful

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hi; i am now 62 y.o.and live in Mississippi. i have managed to live on SSI benefits for 10 years. Today the local SSA called and informed me that i now have to apply for early retirement. I get that. Hoping you all will please answer some other concerns i have.

Do i have any options in this process? Should i get my SSI lawyer involved?

Once i am switched from SSI to retirement, will i still be considered a disabled person or will i be like anyone who works then retires?

SSI disability and Life Insurance

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My mom, 55, just lost her husband (my dad). Shes receiving SSI disability (not SSDI) and survivors bemefits for my 15 yr old brother. She just received the deposit for my dads life insurance, $30k and now bank is telling her she has to put the money in her account. However, she wont qualify for ssi if she does that right??. The 30k is to supplement the ssi because shes only receiving 1400 a month (will go down to 700 when my brother graduates) and she can not work due to medical reasons. Theres no way she can survive on 700/month, but everywhere I look says she'll lose it.

Using backpay to buy a cheap car

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My son is almost 2 years old and he will be getting backpay in a few weeks. I wanted to know would buying a car be acceptable. I work, I'm also in nursing school and it's almost next to impossible to get everything done for him with only one vehicle that me and my husband share. We have ran into so many issues with him missing appointments and other things due to only having one vehicle. Also we have 4 other kids which makes it even more difficult.

Adult child approved for SSI but 0 due to me having a low mortgage?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My adult son who lives with me was approved for SSI. He pays his share of household expenses. His amount is zero due to my house payment being less than market value rent of the house? Is this accurate, he can be penalized because I was smart and bought a house 20 years ago? TIA


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I was suppose to recieve back pay instalment yesterday on fri spt 22 and i have been calling the bank all day yesterday and this morning nothing in my acct when will it be there

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