Hearing Stage

Benifits for my child

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My daughter received benefits after father past away, I received some paper work to let you know she is still in school although she turned 18. I turned in, and also ask for an appeal. I have not heard anything, My child did not received her money. Why? What's going on?

Critical case dire need processing decision writing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hi. I'm in MA and had a hearing a week and a half ago (after waiting a year and a half). Since our home is close to foreclosure and other financial problems, my dire need critical case application was approved. My atty says that the judge sent my case to decision writing the next day.
How long should decision writing take and me to get a letter? I asked my atty who gave me an estimate, but I'd like to know thoughts here, please and thank you

Filling out form requesting hearing - representation

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am coming up on my deadline is less than a week to file for my hearing. I haven't been able to do it before now for reasons that are complicated to explain, but suffice to say I've been alternately homeless and living on different people's couches during the last 5 or 6 weeks since I received my notice regarding my reconsideration declined and opportunity for hearing. I just tonite have secured a place to reside for the next few months.

But now, as I face finding a disability attorney to take up my case, I fear I have to race and rush into it.

My Lawyer seems to be unfit

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Help. My lawyer seems to not be working on my case very well. He isn't feeling good. I'm affraid he is not helping me out AT ALL. We went to court last week, he told the judge he was too ill to proceed. Then he asked if I had the RFC form. I THOUGHT he already had all that. He has gotten rid of his paralegal.
What can or should I DO? I will get a new RFC form filled out, and go get my own records again. Do I dare represent myself? Or should I look for another lawyer?

Lost all back pay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Estranged husband was awarded his ssd that he applied for 2 years ago. However, he turned 50 4 days before his hearing and they told him that he would be approved at that time IF he agreed to signing paper stating that disability started at age 50. He lost all back pay and will not receive medicare for 2 years. How is this even legal? He is about to loose electric and be evicted. It seems to me that they take advantage of people in dier need, knowing they can't afford to wait any longer.

Review Papers being mailed after Hearing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I  had been denied for SSDI but I never gave up I continued until I got my hearing date with ALJ which was Aug 2016. Well instead of going into a long story I will bring it up to date. I did not have a lawyer everything I've done on my own. Well I called the ODAR office where my hearing was held. The lady told me a case worker has it. Well I spoke with the "case worker" and she's mailing me 106 pages that I need to review. If everything is fine to leave it alone and let the time run out which is in 2-3 weeks.

While waiting for decision judge asked for more documentation (help)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I had my hearing about a month ago with the ALJ and I have a lawyer. I have been waiting for a decision and the other day I received a letter stating that the judge is still waiting for more documentation (my lawyer told her we had more documentation to give her when we actually did not). The letter stated if within 10 days she did not receive the additional documentation she would make her decision just on the info given at the hearing. Would you consider this a negative sign by the judge?

Been waiting forever!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Wow, this is taking a long time. I'm in New Mexico, and after waiting 16 months for a hearing I've now been waiting five months for the judge's decision. It really seems excessive. I contacted ODAR last week, and they told me my case is with the decision writers and will take several more weeks. Is this normal???

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